Written by Irvin L. Rozier

Continued from page 1
will attack your relationships, your health, your finances, will even use other Christians to come against what you are trying to do for Jesus. Chapter 5 verse 9 of 1 Peter tells us "Whom resist stedfast inrepparttar faith, knowingrepparttar 126397 same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are inrepparttar 126398 world." It is hard to resist when you are weakened byrepparttar 126399 trials of this world, butrepparttar 126400 Lord Jesus will give us strength to overcome.

Hold on to Jesus, and He will see you throughrepparttar 126401 attacks fromrepparttar 126402 enemy.

Romans 16 verse 20 "Andrepparttar 126403 God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen."


Author of My Walk with the Lord, www.selahbooks.com, preacher, retired military

The good and the bad...

Written by Terry Dashner

Continued from page 1

We may escape His judgment through faith in Jesus Christ His Son. The rich man cried out in agony beyond his grave. He wanted relief from his pain, but there was none. Lazarus was comforted in Abraham’s bosom. I’m sure that Lazarus would tell us—endurerepparttar hardships of life, heaven is on its way!

The third point of emphasis is this: The simplicity in knowing how to get to God. God tells me that there is only one way. I thank God that I need to know only one way to Him. I’ve studied eastern religions and philosophies ofrepparttar 123230 Greeks. What strikes me about these teachings isrepparttar 123231 many ways to happiness that they purport. Often I conclude my studies frustrated and confused because they offer too many ways. I’m a simple man. My God has maderepparttar 123232 way to Him, simple. Thank God there is only one way to know. Jesus isrepparttar 123233 way,repparttar 123234 truth, andrepparttar 123235 life.

All I have to do is place my trust in Jesus, and He will lead me home. Lazarus obviously trusted in God while crying out for mercy becauserepparttar 123236 angels came for him atrepparttar 123237 end of his earthly journey. They carried him alongrepparttar 123238 way, viarepparttar 123239 way ofrepparttar 123240 grave, intorepparttar 123241 comfort of Paradise.

And so this concludes this read. Simple, but important. I say it is essential. God is either or, but no in between. God is immutable, and not wishy-washy. God is one way. His way is through Jesus Christ His only begotten Son. He has blessed me forever.

Keeprepparttar 123242 faith. Stayrepparttar 123243 course. Jesus is coming soon.

Pastor T. dash…

Pastors a small church. Veteran of the US Navy. Retired police officer. Blessed.

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