Written by Doug Krieger

Continued from page 1

LaHaye’s agenda mirrors that of Falwell’s; and isrepparttar heart and passion ofrepparttar 143519 so-called Religious Right in America. Restoringrepparttar 143520 Nation back to Absolute Values—family, pro-life (a.k.a., “the culture of life”), anti-abortion (just so you know what pro-life is), anti-gay agenda (the whole thing), pro-marriage (between Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve), pro-prayer inrepparttar 143521 public schools, pro-displaying of religious symbols and artifacts likerepparttar 143522 Ten Commandments wherever and whenever, strong “national defense” (as defined as “whatever it takes to destroyrepparttar 143523 barbaric infidels”), etc., etc., etc.


A little evangelical background on Rep. DeLay would be helpful . . . so, after a couple of terms inrepparttar 143524 Texas Legislature (after a rather lackluster business life as a pest control operator), DeLay made a move onrepparttar 143525 US Congress, running inrepparttar 143526 suburbs of Houston, TX and winning! He headed off to Washington as a freshman Rep. and ledrepparttar 143527 charge againstrepparttar 143528 NEA (National Endowment forrepparttar 143529 Arts)—and got a whole lot of fame for DEFUNDING THE LEFT (especially withrepparttar 143530 NEA’s propensity to spend huge sums of money on absurd and even pornographic “art”).

Notwithstandingrepparttar 143531 crusading efforts to purgerepparttar 143532 Left of its immoral efforts, DeLay himself had his own demons to corral. It was inrepparttar 143533 mid-1980s whenrepparttar 143534 booze-drinkin’ (similar to President Bush’s story) DeLay rediscovered his Baptist roots and through a fellow Republican colleague, Frank Wolfe, was handed a tape by Dr. James Dobson—andrepparttar 143535 rest is evangelical history. DeLay claims he had a real born-again experience—much like President Bush. And, like Bush, eventually got involved in an “accountability group” compliments ofrepparttar 143536 Promise Keepers; then, on torepparttar 143537 Southern Baptist, avant-garde, Sugar Land First Baptist Church, where DeLay’s A-A-mens could be easily heard, as Pastor Scott Rambo (who, as Dubose describes was “as charismatic and engaging as Bill Clinton at a town hall meeting”) preached torepparttar 143538 thousands who’d come each week to hear his “seeker-friendly” messages.

Yep, like President Bush, DeLay’s faith has utterly energized his politics. Listen to DeLay’s “mission statement” for America:

“To bring us back torepparttar 143539 Constitution and to Absolute Truth that has been manipulated and destroyed by a liberal worldview.” (p. 58 – The Hammer)


Continuing on with DeLay’s evangelical roots (his political evolution and machinations are also really interesting—but later on those) . . .

Like Clinton, DeLay grew up in a dysfunctional home where his father was an alcoholic. He hailed fromrepparttar 143540 “roughneck camps ofrepparttar 143541 Texas oil patch—home torepparttar 143542 guys who drilledrepparttar 143543 wells and ranrepparttar 143544 casing forrepparttar 143545 bullies who ownedrepparttar 143546 royalties and ranrepparttar 143547 state. His patrimony wasrepparttar 143548 sort of dysfunction that isrepparttar 143549 psychological and biological inheritance ofrepparttar 143550 children of alcoholics.” (p. 9 – The Hammer).

Onrepparttar 143551 other hand, Bush picked uprepparttar 143552 Texan drawl, but, let’s face it, his family richly provided him an East Coast prep school, bachelor’s degree from Yale, an MBA from Harvard—and, beingrepparttar 143553 grandson of a U.S. senator and son of a vice president and president—man, maybe, after all, he was born with a “silver spoon” in his mouth. Whereas DeLay’s background couldn’t hold a candle torepparttar 143554 patrician Bush. Nope, DeLay was through and through a plebeian (Roman for “dirt poor” compared torepparttar 143555 aristocrats amongrepparttar 143556 Romans called patricians.).

Bush was an oilman—and, frankly, not a very good one (so everyone knows)—but he had a deep well of never-ending resources through family-related investment capital. Onrepparttar 143557 other hand, DeLay was a bug man. And, like Bush, not a very good one at that. Eventually,repparttar 143558 rules and regs. ofrepparttar 143559 EPA just about wiped out his business—and, that did it. “It’s off to Congress I go”—so you wonder whyrepparttar 143560 “counter-revolution” againstrepparttar 143561 EPA, et al, continues to this day?

Right aboutrepparttar 143562 same time that DeLay was “finding Jesus” – President Bush was doingrepparttar 143563 same—but under very different “evangelical environments.” First of all, Bush’s drinking habits were gettingrepparttar 143564 best of him—and Laura had had it.

The time was ripe! However, Bush’s “conversion experience” differed from DeLay’s. When Bush,repparttar 143565 prodigal son, returned home torepparttar 143566 Maine compound in 1985, there wasrepparttar 143567 Revered Billy Graham. They walkedrepparttar 143568 grounds of Walker Point—the Bush family estate onrepparttar 143569 coast of Maine. Bush prayed with Graham and he “surrendered himself to Jesus.” Returning back home in Midland, Bush joined a Bible Study “accountability group” that Laura also attended—eventually, he quit drinking.

In sum, Dubose describesrepparttar 143570 Bush and DeLay religious encounters as follows:

“DeLay had come up harder in all ways, all his life. He had absorbed enough Baptist teaching and upbringing to call himself a Christian, yet as he neared forty he knew he was a sinner. His road to Damascus was plebeian, and he choked inrepparttar 143571 dust of patricians like George Bush.” (p. 53)

“When Tom DeLay fell to his knees before a video clip of James Dobson, he was not only born again in Christ, he was born again in Republican electoral politics. This is not to suggest that his motives were anything less than spiritual, butrepparttar 143572 result was political. Not only did his return torepparttar 143573 church provide himrepparttar 143574 focus and discipline he lacked when he had been ‘Hot Tub Tom’ of ‘Macho Manor’ in Austin (you’ll have to readrepparttar 143575 book to understand), DeLay immediately became part of a religious community that is also a political community. As a high-profile evangelical Christian, Tom DeLay connected torepparttar 143576 Christian base without whichrepparttar 143577 Republican Party cannot win national elections—and many state elections. Like George W. Bush, DeLay found Jesus atrepparttar 143578 precise moment in American political history when Jesus became a political asset. THE TIMING WAS SO PERFECT THAT THE NONBELIEVR IS LEFT TO WONDER IF IT JUST MIGHT HAVE BEEN GOD’S PLAN. (pp. 58-59 – The Hammer) (Note: My emphasis uponrepparttar 143579 “secularist’s remarks.)

There you have it—somehow, evangelicalism and politics—along with this guy, Tim LaHaye—found fertile ground inrepparttar 143580 Baptist soils of Texas. Two men from two completely different walks of life—at aboutrepparttar 143581 same time—gotrepparttar 143582 “old time religion” and it has shaped how they look at America andrepparttar 143583 world—BIG TIME! Likewise, it has shaped how “Liberal America” thinks about them and about most “old time religion” in America—just in case you can’t see where I’m going with this! (Veiled allusion here to Howard Dean's Republican Party of "White Christians" remark(June, 2005).)

(Please go to: http://www.the-tribulation-network.com/dougkrieger/delay_lahay.htm forrepparttar 143584 remainder ofrepparttar 143585 article with links/graphics, etc.)

Doug is a member of Last Days Network, a team of evangelical writers whose news and reviews appear on numerous blog sites throughout the USA and the world. Religion and politics are joined at the hip...and more so in the USA...what is going on here anyway?


Written by Doug Krieger

Continued from page 1


This writer was raised in a home where Mom and Dad were stalwart Democrats. They’d vote for a jackass ifrepparttar democrats ran one for President—and I think that may have happened! I remember when Mom came home fromrepparttar 143440 Almond Growers here in Sacramento and told me she was fired for trying to help organize a union—which to this day does not exist atrepparttar 143441 Almond Growers/Blue Diamond operations!

Union—that’s right—Teamsters Union and proud of it. But deeply religious and steeped in social values that mirror those ofrepparttar 143442 conservative right today! Butrepparttar 143443 dems “went out there” and embraced a “social agenda” that got real “peculiar” as far as Mom and scores of other dems like her and dad. So what happened—go to Wichita, Kansas and find out for yourself. What’s happening in Wichita for blue collar workers is happening all overrepparttar 143444 nation andrepparttar 143445 only ones that can’t figure it out arerepparttar 143446 dems who control that party.

But that doesn’t make much difference. Why? Clinton and his NAFTA/DLC elites are nothing more than “Republican economic light”—forrepparttar 143447 “big picture” of global economic dominance is so steeped, so engrained inrepparttar 143448 psyche of both parties, thatrepparttar 143449 only battle of differences are social in nature, with some civil rights bearing limited attraction (i.e.,repparttar 143450 Democrats mouth support forrepparttar 143451 civil rights of minorities, gays, etc.). So why on earth would a socially conservative democrat vote for Kerry/Edwards when their economic policies virtually mirror those ofrepparttar 143452 Republican Bush/Cheney regime? And, talk is cheap! So,repparttar 143453 “anti-war” crowd are really, in so far asrepparttar 143454 “movers and shakers” atrepparttar 143455 top ofrepparttar 143456 Democratic Party are concerned, nothing more than “talk” – they too must protect Mrs. Kerry’s millions somehow—and it ain’t going to be through economic isolationism andrepparttar 143457 Libertarian policies of Pat Buchanan.

So—what you’ve got here arerepparttar 143458 little meaningless nuances on how to fightrepparttar 143459 global war on terrorism and still maintain economic hegemony overrepparttar 143460 world’s economies!


Compounding their ostentatious take over ofrepparttar 143461 leadership ofrepparttar 143462 Republican Party from its country club headship and wishy-washy moderate Republican elites (a.k.a.,repparttar 143463 “mainstream Republicans”), have beenrepparttar 143464 socio-religious conservatives—many of whom are white refugees fromrepparttar 143465 disenfranchised Solid South andrepparttar 143466 union (as in “labor union”) North. Their leadership, however, has promoted an aggressive commercial promulgation ofrepparttar 143467 Gospel of Prosperity and, ipso facto, their marriage to corporate America—who has found in themrepparttar 143468 moral covering to subjugaterepparttar 143469 world’s economy under one umbrella, their own.

Think about it—not only haverepparttar 143470 social conservatives ofrepparttar 143471 Democratic Party been disenfranchised (as a result ofrepparttar 143472 shift in emphasis withinrepparttar 143473 Democratic Party inrepparttar 143474 early 1980s from plain and simple economic issues torepparttar 143475 embrace ofrepparttar 143476 radical social agendas of various splinter groups and “party greens”)—butrepparttar 143477 social conservatives ofrepparttar 143478 Republican Party, and their newly-arrived democratic counterparts, now get to sit down and shut up and listen torepparttar 143479 likes of McCain, Guliani, and Schwarzenegger atrepparttar 143480 Convention!

Yes, it must be “luv” - Corporate America’s embrace ofrepparttar 143481 “Theocratic Right’s” commercialism was witnessed at NASCAR’s biggest event (February 15, 2004) in Daytona Beach, FL. Mel Gibson’s “The Passion” was seen atoprepparttar 143482 hood of a participant. AOL (America On-line) asked its audience if Christianity should participate in such blatant commercial advertising—in response, 85% saw nothing amiss with such merchandising (and AOL termed it “merchandising”)—thus, was birthed another benign “hybrid from hell” as Country Clubber and Prosperity Gospel-lite continue their turbulent romance of convenience and connivance.


The “man onrepparttar 143483 white horse” who promised “compassionate conservatism” at its inception—has changed horses from white to apocalyptic red, whereonrepparttar 143484 “man of peace” has becomerepparttar 143485 “man of war.” And, not just pure war—but “wars of liberation” -- wars that will democratizerepparttar 143486 planet, making it safe and free!

For those of us who cherishrepparttar 143487 liberties we hold as unalienable and given by our Creator and resist religious tyranny, “wars without,” and unbridled greed—we now beholdrepparttar 143488 resemblance of a prophetical eruption of an Image whose imperial might and colonial/commercial expansionism bears little or no recognition torepparttar 143489 America we once knew—and NEITHER political party wants to stop it! Inrepparttar 143490 name of freedom and liberty, of democracy andrepparttar 143491 banishment of terrorism and tyranny, we march on and on. Where have we heard and witnessed such affirmations once promised, but whose commercial and missionizing intentions were abysmal failures?

Dear friend, Christianity cannot be propagated byrepparttar 143492 sword nor by “shock and awe”—the promise of infidels and savages coming underrepparttar 143493 light and blessings ofrepparttar 143494 gospel, while simultaneously reaping huge economic profits, only exposesrepparttar 143495 rotten underbelly of rank colonialism—a recurring pathology whose flesh-eating diseased symptoms are altogether recognized throughoutrepparttar 143496 world.

A “crusade against evil” inrepparttar 143497 mind ofrepparttar 143498 inner cabinet of this administration—ubiquitously launched againstrepparttar 143499 mysterious forces of global terrorism and their serpentine networks and operatives—bespeaks of communism’s stupidity, when Brezhnev proclaimed thatrepparttar 143500 USSR’s “sacred internationalist duty” to thwart, through overt military acts, all attempts to subvert socialism’s experiment throughoutrepparttar 143501 globe were wholly justified. The “city set on a hill” -- that beacon of light to shine intorepparttar 143502 darkness—has now become an intrusive flashlight, probing and inspecting. Once her hands reached out torepparttar 143503 poor and tormented ofrepparttar 143504 earth—now she grabs their hands and fingerprints them upon entry at customs.

Joseph Goebbels’ famous dictum that to tell a believable lie one must tell a whopper or a cacophony of them continues to hold true today. Let me humbly state: The more we hear of why we entertained this “War of Liberation” commenced uponrepparttar 143505 Mesopotamian Plain,repparttar 143506 more nonsensical and blatantly false were its assumptions. Inrepparttar 143507 Twentieth Centuryrepparttar 143508 Nazis may have developed “the lie,” andrepparttar 143509 Soviets may have refined “the lie,” butrepparttar 143510 total believability of “the lie” has reached unsurpassed ignobility by a Twenty-First Century public so gullible, and underrepparttar 143511 ether of a press so compliant, thatrepparttar 143512 masses who have succumbed to this absurd barrage of disinformation are perhapsrepparttar 143513 most ill-informed generation ever to countenance America’s landscape.

br> (Note: This article was originally included in an e-line book entitled: UNSEALING THE END OF DAYS @ http://www.the-tribulation-network.com/dougkrieger/unsealing/unsealing_book.htm Note: The actual article itself is completed with links @ http://www.the-tribulation-network.com/dougkrieger/times_and_seasons/democratic_globalism.htm

Doug is a member of the Last Days Network, a group of writers dedicated as a prophetic voice to the Church and the World. In particular, how religion and politics impact our life in America; news analysis and commentary on current events.

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