Written by Paul Barratt-Hassett

Continued from page 1
  If there were a clash between like individuals, let’s say two vampires, thenrepparttar interaction creates friction (just as two magnets would repel each other) until one of them gives up their energy and reverts to being either a victim or a sex maniac.   Have you ever played with magnets? If you have, you would notice that if you bring two magnets together,repparttar 130382 like poles will repel each other, as if an invisible force is preventing them from connecting. And if you were to relax one of your hands that magnet would spin around and then they would clamp together. As you know, this is because magnets have a positive and a negative side and these attract each other.   The cause of conflict.   The same concept exists for human interaction – an invisible force is either forceful towards you or taking from you. To demonstrate this, following is a scenario that typically takes place in relationships.   Often, when couples first fall in love, there is a lot of giving and sharing by both partners - giving affection, love and romance; sharing fears, secrets and even everyday events. But for some couples, after a period of time, this giving and sharing stops or slows down. Nowrepparttar 130383 focus of attention or energy starts to move fromrepparttar 130384 partner inrepparttar 130385 relationship back to oneself.   What then happens is a war of energy exchange betweenrepparttar 130386 couple until one ofrepparttar 130387 partners gives up their energy (becomes a victim) andrepparttar 130388 other stays in control (the leader or decision maker) andrepparttar 130389 relationship continues running smoothly. Alternatively, ifrepparttar 130390 battle continues and both want to berepparttar 130391 decision makers, without agreement, things continue to get nasty and being around each other is not so much fun anymore. Forces are about give and take, follower and leader, controlled and controller. Some people like to be lead and guided through life and equally some prefer to berepparttar 130392 leaders. And in relationships - good ones that is - there is usually one partner who isrepparttar 130393 leader and one who isrepparttar 130394 follower. These types of couples clearly have good working relationships,repparttar 130395 energy exchange fits, there is no conflict, love is flowing and everyone is happy. Until such time asrepparttar 130396 follower becomes tired, fed up or even bored with beingrepparttar 130397 follower; beingrepparttar 130398 one who has to sacrifice constantly. What happens then? The conflict of energy exchange begins and this is often when relationships go bad. Fights happen more frequently and love stops flowing, thusrepparttar 130399 energy exchange changes. Oftenrepparttar 130400 energy drops from love down into anger, hate or regret, and many couples go their separate ways at this point in a relationship.   The many faces of love.   Paul claims that all three types need love, just in different ways. A sex maniac needs to feel sexual pleasure to feel loved. A victim needs to feel worthy to feel loved. A vampire needs to feel important to feel loved.   And with love comes understanding!   ************************************************************************************** Resource Box: You have permission to use this article providing; you leaverepparttar 130401 resource box intact, leaverepparttar 130402 entire article unchanged including all links andrepparttar 130403 Authors Details. You must also notifyrepparttar 130404 author via email as to whererepparttar 130405 article is being used. Authors Details: E-mail: relatingwell@relatingwell.com Author’s URL: http://www.relatingwell.com Paul along with his partner Elise are running ‘the perfect relationship challenge’ where they are coaching couples, needing help in there relationships, from each major city ontorepparttar 130406 road to better relationships. It is currently a free service and you can enter ‘the perfect relationship challenge’ on line at http://www.relatingwell.com **************************************************************************************

Paul along with his partner Elise are running ‘the perfect relationship challenge’ where they are coaching couples, needing help in there relationships, from each major city onto the road to better relationships. It is currently a free service and you can enter ‘the perfect relationship challenge’ on line at http://www.relatingwell.com

Key to Simplicity - The Word 'No'

Written by Louise Morganti Kaelin

Continued from page 1

Their time is precious, but so is yours. Giving in when someone 'insists' normally puts a strain onrepparttar relationship. Andrepparttar 130379 more often you do it,repparttar 130380 biggerrepparttar 130381 strain. Say yes when it feels right, and respect their right to say No to you.


This may berepparttar 130382 most important one of all. Sometimes we say no, but others are very persuasive or very persistent and we find ourselves saying 'Yes' for a whole bunch of reasons that have nothing to do withrepparttar 130383 topic at hand. Sometimes it's because a 'no' feels like a rejection of repparttar 130384 person asking, instead ofrepparttar 130385 thing they're asking. The possessions or responsibilities we come into this way are guaranteed to oppress us becauserepparttar 130386 guilt that made us accept inrepparttar 130387 first place makes it almost impossible to unload these things later. This takes practice, but may be one ofrepparttar 130388 best skills you ever develop.

(c) Louise Morganti Kaelin. Louise is a Life Success Coach who partners with individuals who are READY (to live their best life), WILLING (to explore all options) and ABLE (to accept total support). Find many free resources to assist you in living the life of your dreams at http://www.touchpointcoaching.com For her free newsletter of insightful, practical suggestions for creating your best life, email mailto:on-536@ezezine.com

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