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The best products I have ever bought have been through a direct recommendation via an affiliate link by a quality Internet marketer. By reading his free information I had a basis to make a judgment call on his expertise and credibility.
Affiliate links can be beneficial to both author and reader. Remember you can always tell a tree by its fruit. A quality author will always provide useable and fresh information. If you want quality traffic you need to attract people who are interested in what you are selling. Provide a benefit that will give them a reason to stop at your site. Always make your first impression with quality FREE information that has real value. Do not think of a customer as your next mortgage payment but look to establish a long-term relationship of mutual benefit to both of you. Your customers, you, and I will all profit more by working together and learning from each other.
======================================= About author: Jim Dunn publishes "The Home Business Tips" Newsletter. Its packed with Powerful Tools, Tips, and ProvenStep-By-Step Training, for building an automated highly profitable Work From Home Business Fast… Signup for your FREE subscription today at: =======================================
Jim has been working from home online since 2001. He is a published author and specializes in success training, and teaching other home based entrepreneurs how to develop and profit from multi stream income sources on the Internet, through products and affiliate marketing.