Video Your Future

Written by Doug C. Grant

Continued from page 1 maybe a thousand is stretching it a bit. The point is, you want to watch your video as often as possible. It doesn't have to take long. Perhaps a minute or so. And believe merepparttar results can be astonishing.


Remember what Jesus toldrepparttar 123807 woman withrepparttar 123808 issue of blood. "Your faith has made you well." (Mark 5:34) Notice, he did not heal her. Her faith wasrepparttar 123809 healing factor.

Where did this faith come from? Her mental video! (Don't turn me off because I'm going high-tech. Mental videos have been around sincerepparttar 123810 Garden. They just masquerade under different names.)

What wasrepparttar 123811 woman's video. She saw herself running up to Jesus, touching his robe and being instantly healed. She saw. She knew. And may well have played her video a thousand times before Jesus actually arrived.


It's called The Placebo Effect. Researchers give people a sugar pill and tell them it's a new wonder drug. Absolutely guaranteed to cure their 'whatever'. The receivers believe it. They see it. They swallow it. And guess what? Often their 'whatever' symptoms disappear.

Of course, whenrepparttar 123812 research project ends and they learnrepparttar 123813 truth, so also ends their cure. This has happened so often it's commonplace.

Yes...the videos you play in your mind can make you sick. But if they can make you sick, they can also make you well. And that goes for almost any negative condition you are experiencing.

To change these negatives you write a new script. Then produce a video. Onrepparttar 123814 video playrepparttar 123815 hero. Experiencerepparttar 123816 victory. Through persistence your video will become reality.


Produce your video. Keep it simple and focused on only one problem.

Play it at least five times a day for 21 days. Why 21? Because that seems to berepparttar 123817 magical number for establishing a new habit. And that's what you're doing. You're creating a new habit of thought which produces faith.

Try it. I double dare you. The only thing you have to lose is some negative 'whatevers' that are probably mucking up your life.


The Empowered Maturity web site publishes a free, twice monthly e-magazine (ezine) filled with empowering information forrepparttar 123818 over 50 crowd. It's yours forrepparttar 123819 asking with no obligation and you can cancel anytime. Subscribe by e-mail to:

Doug C. Grant retired from a successful career as a nationally recognized business writer & marketing consultant. He now helps members of the 'Over-50', crowd live healthier, happier and more productive lives through his Empowered Maturity Web Site ( and an on-line interactive seminar.

A One Word Tonic for Creating a Positive Change in Your Life

Written by Doug C. Grant

Continued from page 1

The word 'GREAT' also works on your subconscious.

When someone asks how you feel and you respond, 'Great!', you are actually talking to your subconscious. It listens. It believes.

Tell it enough times that you feel 'Great!' and it will do everything in it's considerable power to bring that feeling into reality. Of course if you go away mumbling to yourself that actually you feel pretty lousy, your subconscious will also listen to that and cancel any 'Great!' feelings it might have been working on.

True story. Some good old boys decided to play a joke on one of their number. They stationed themselves at various places alongrepparttar accustomed morning route of their victim and individually greeted him with something like, "Hey Ted, you look terrible. You should be home in bed."

Ted laughed offrepparttar 123806 first two encounters. But afterrepparttar 123807 fifth greeting, he headed home. He spentrepparttar 123808 next week betweenrepparttar 123809 sheets being terribly, ridiculously but very physically ill.

It comes down to this. Ifrepparttar 123810 mind can make you sick it can also make you well.

Don't take my word for it...try it.

Start outrepparttar 123811 day determined to respond to every "How ya doin'?" greeting withrepparttar 123812 tonic word, 'Great!' Refuse to get dragged into any recital of aches and pains...particularly yours.

Stiffen your back, keep your chin up and floatrepparttar 123813 word 'Great!' onrepparttar 123814 tip of your tongue. Even if you startrepparttar 123815 day feeling lousy, chances are you'll endrepparttar 123816 day feeling a whole lot better. Keep it up and that 'Great!' feeling will become a way of life for you. Not bad for one little word.

Looking for more 'feel-good' living techniques?

The Empowered Maturity web site, publishes a free, twice monthly e-magazine (ezine) filled with empowering information forrepparttar 123817 over 50 crowd. It's yours forrepparttar 123818 asking with no obligation and you can cancel anytime. Subscribe at:

Doug C. Grant retired from a successful career as a nationally recognized business writer & marketing consultant. He now helps members of the 'Over-50', crowd live healthier, happier and more productive lives through his Empowered Maturity Web Site ( and an on-line interactive seminar.

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