Video Mail

Written by Alex MacCaskill

Continued from page 1

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Hire a Virtual Assistant

Written by Damian Hons

Continued from page 1

You can do a simple term search on Google or any search engine, start withrepparttar type of work you need ( i.e. “search engine optimization”) and then look for unfamiliar words or phrases. Look these new terms up and you will be a more informed and prepared to contact a VA. Most ofrepparttar 103805 time you will find other useful tidbits like standard rates and how much competition there is forrepparttar 103806 service.

Sometimes it would be nice to just to dumprepparttar 103807 project ontorepparttar 103808 VA and forget it, hopingrepparttar 103809 work is in competent hands, but that can lead to disaster. You could be charged for services you don’t need or are too complicated and difficult to maintain if your relationship with that VA ends (for what ever reason). Your VA may not even be able to providerepparttar 103810 service needed. For this reason it is wise to at least get familiar withrepparttar 103811 technical details and language.

Word-of-Mouth Referrals

What can be said about word-of-mouth referrals, other than they can not always be trusted but are better than a blind pick out of a directory. Having said that, you can trust a referral if you have done your research, set your budget and feel prepared to discuss your project needs. I am including this information because a referred VA might still not berepparttar 103812 right virtual assistant for you or your business.

Armed with this information, your search for a virtual assistant will be easier and inrepparttar 103813 end,repparttar 103814 match you make with be a better fit for your needs.

2004 World Wide Virtual (

Damian Hons is World Wide Virtual, a virtual assistant practice that offers a wide variety of services from Word Processing to Search Engine Optimization. His web site can be found here -

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