Ventilation - A Roofing Issue

Written by Bob W / Four Seasons Roofing and Siding

Continued from page 1
work as proposed. We do advise that roofing warranties are worthless if proper ventilation is not addressed. We also advise of potential conflicts in a given system. Contrary to how most roofing contractors approach a given job, we do not always advocaterepparttar use of a Ridge Vent. Ridge Vents are a fantastic form of exhaust ventilation. If used properly, they can do a world of good. If used improperly,repparttar 100163 results can be disastrous.

We provide you with a written ventilation recommendation based upon government specifications. With this form and your new roof, you have added value and assurance that your roofing system will lastrepparttar 100164 test of time.

Four Seasons Roofing and Siding

Bob Wewer is a 25 year veteran of the roofing profession.

A Roofing Enigma

Written by Bob W / Four Seasons Roofing and Siding

Continued from page 1

The enigma comes in withrepparttar transient nature ofrepparttar 100162 industry andrepparttar 100163 employment of techniques that are improper. Roofing flashings are usually laborious to replace properly and almost always neglected. With a strong underlayment, an actual flashing leak can be disguised for several years. The leak, while unnoticed byrepparttar 100164 building owner, is poised to present a major problem downrepparttar 100165 road. The mentality that ice & water shield isrepparttar 100166 cure-all is just wrong. The only timerepparttar 100167 underlayment should be wet is inrepparttar 100168 event of catastrophic weather conditions.

Call us for an estimate and we will be happy to explain.

Bob Wewer is a 25 year veteran of the Roofing Profession.

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