Using candles in Feng Shui decorating

Written by Jennifer Hall

Continued from page 1

It is beneficial to bear in mindrepparttar productive and destructive cycles while decorating, but for optimum Feng Shui, a room would have an equal balance of all five elements – none being too overpowering. If this isn’trepparttar 100083 case and there is not one overpowering element, thenrepparttar 100084 productive cycle is a good place to start when decorating.

Now that we have a basic understanding ofrepparttar 100085 elements, we can see how to best utilize candles in our decorating. In areas with predominately metal or water elements – rooms which would have a lot of blue or silver colors or metallic furnishings – a candle would help minimizerepparttar 100086 overpowering colors and add balance. If you want to start using Feng Shui in a room with no overpowering elements, you could bring in a candle and a complimentary element like a plant or a brown oval rug since that color and shape are associated withrepparttar 100087 earth element.

Candles can be an easy way to bring a natural element into your home and can be a good starting place for implementing Feng Shui design. Not to mention that scented candles are often great Feng Shui because ofrepparttar 100088 mood-enhancing qualities certain scents have. Candles provide a simple start in creating a pleasant ambiance and good decorating style.

Jennifer Hall is a writer who provides information on shopping online for and When she's not online, Jennifer's spending time with her family, gardening, or playing the piano or accordion.

Renew thyself daily, with candles! - A candle review

Written by Jennifer Hall

Continued from page 1

candle also containsrepparttar scents of sweet litchee, basil, aromatic cardamom, and creamy coconut milk. This combination is like a master recipe - a work of art. The soothing coconut balances withrepparttar 100082 crisp lemongrass andrepparttar 100083 other scents add a touch of enchantment. They conjure up Asian secrets and always leave me inspired. Citrus is also known to leave a clean feeling, partly because some citrus fruits like lemon are used as cleaning items. Not only does it smell clean, but also this candle inspires cleaning! The energy,repparttar 100084 crisp cleanliness, perfect for tidying up inrepparttar 100085 morning.

Whenrepparttar 100086 work is done, it leaves me inspired, I’m more likely to play music or write or do something I really enjoy with this little touch. It’s these little things that can really enhance a day and shouldn’t be taken for granted. Your environment is important to your life, and a clean, aesthetically pleasing one will surely give yourepparttar 100087 happiness and energy to accomplish more than you normally would. So find a scent that really appeals to you, and ifrepparttar 100088 scents ofrepparttar 100089 Thai Market candle appeal to you, I’d highly recommend trying it out.


Usually house plans make room for swimming pools, but it is highly unlikely of rugs to be included inrepparttar 100090 plans.

Jennifer Hall is a writer who provides information on shopping online for and When she's not online, Jennifer's spending time with her family, gardening, or playing the piano or accordion.

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