Using Yoga to Manage ADD

Written by ADD Coach Jennifer Koretsky

Continued from page 1

It is important to remember that yoga is not meant to be stressful or taxing onrepparttar body. People should be encouraged to concentrate only on themselves and notrepparttar 115519 others inrepparttar 115520 class, and to do only what feels comfortable. A practitioner should never feel pressured to perform. If an ADDer finds him/herself at a yoga class that moves too quickly, or focuses heavily on strength training, they will not reaprepparttar 115521 intended benefits, and may find themselves overwhelmed. The best place to find yoga instruction is at a yoga center, whererepparttar 115522 instructors practice yoga as a way of life, and teach bothrepparttar 115523 physical and psychological components.

Yoga can help ADDers feel calm, centered, in control, and in touch with their bodies. Practiced regularly, ADDers will find that yoga is a powerful mental and physical refresher that they can retreat to when feeling out of control or overwhelmed.

Jennifer Koretsky is an ADD Coach who helps clients find peace through ADD management. She offers private and group coaching, skills groups, workshops, and a free e-Newsletter. For more information, visit

Preventive Healthcare: The Cheapest Way To Stay Healthy

Written by Irina

Continued from page 1

The most promising isrepparttar idea of so-called patient advocacy via health care savings programs. The availability and popularity of these programs is picking up year after year, as more and more people, unable to get or afford health insurance, are discovering them forrepparttar 115518 first time. These programs negotiate prices with health care providers on behalf of their members. Since they represent large groups,repparttar 115519 resulting discounts are usuallyrepparttar 115520 same that repparttar 115521 hospitals and physicians give to big insurance companies.

Unlike traditional insurance model,repparttar 115522 patient advocacy actually encourages people to seek medical help as soon as repparttar 115523 need arises thus preventing "little aches" form developing into life-threatening illnesses and financial disasters. Monthly membership fee is affordable and no one can be turned down because of a pre-existing condition.

Many of such programs also allow their members to contribute money to medical savings accounts. Federal law makes this an attractive option, because medical savings accounts are tax deductible or not taxable at all, as long asrepparttar 115524 funds are used to pay for healthcare.

(C) by Irina 2003.

========================================================== Aboutrepparttar 115525 Author: Irina helps people save money on healthcare and create steady stream of residual income working from home ==========================================================

About the Author: Irina helps people save money on healthcare and create steady stream of residual income working from home

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