Using The 'Fated Encounter' For First Date Seduction Success

Written by John Alexander

Continued from page 1

Let's say, to use a recent example I encountered, that she shops atrepparttar local Whole Foods grocery store.

You can then say, "That's awesome. I shop there too. Imagine, we've probably seen each other there allrepparttar 140806 time!"

Another example would be thatrepparttar 140807 two of you go to downtown LA allrepparttar 140808 time, and probably have walked past each other on many occasions.

And now, you can say, "Isn't it amazing how fate has finally brought us together?"

Asrepparttar 140809 conversation progresses,repparttar 140810 two of you can talk about other coincidences, andrepparttar 140811 thingsrepparttar 140812 two of you might have done together if you'd only known each other.

Withrepparttar 140813 seed planted, asrepparttar 140814 girl thinks about those coincidences, and how "fate" has now broughtrepparttar 140815 two of you together, she will then start to feel as if she's known you, on a deeper psychic level, for a lot longer than just a few hours.

You, she concludes, arerepparttar 140816 man she's been waiting for all her life.


John Alexander is author of 7 Step Seduction System that takes you from saying " rel="nofollow"hello" to a new woman... to sharing orgasms in bed with her... in just one evening!

John Alexander is author of

Men, Are You Too Ugly? Too Short? Here's How To Turn Your Dating Flaws Into Strengths

Written by John Alexander

Continued from page 1

3. "I'm too short" becomes "How can I height to my advantage?"

As you ponder your new, reframed questions in your mind, your brain will come up with answers to them.

For example, you might find that it's to your advantage to not be a "pretty boy." Women expect good-looking guys to talk to them, so when you're displayingrepparttar confidence to talk with them, their guards will be down.

They won't expect you to try to pick them up. That gives you a window of opportunity to display your confident, alpha male personality.

Being short can allow you to gain rapport much easier with girls than taller guys can. Tall guys have a psychological communication barrier a lot ofrepparttar 140805 time because they're literally speaking to a lot of girls (who tend on average to be shorter than guys) from a different level.

So remember, it's not your flaws that get in your way. It's your limiting beliefs that do.

Your ugly face doesn't get in your way of meeting women. Instead it's your belief about your face, which interferes with your inner sense of confidence. That lack of confidence isrepparttar 140806 thing that women pick up on.

For a woman to be attracted to a guy,repparttar 140807 man's confidence level is one ofrepparttar 140808 most important traits that he can have. You can become comfortable with yourself by turning your flaws from weaknesses into traits that set you apart fromrepparttar 140809 bland, ordinary guys.

So I want you to stop reading after this, get out a pen (or open a blank document in your word processor) and write out your negative beliefs. Then write positive, uplifting questions about how to turn those flaws into good things.

When you become happy and comfortable with all your traits, throughrepparttar 140810 technique of reframing, you'll become unstoppable with your self-confidence. Gain that kind of confidence, and you'll magnetically attract girls to you.

Learn to developrepparttar 140811 confidence and mindset that make women lust for you by visiting

John Alexander is author of <Back to Page 1 © 2005
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