Continued from page 1
For instance, Cuba Gooding, Jr. is in Home on
Range with Judi Dench, who is also working with Roseanne on Home on
Range, who worked with John Goodman on
Roseanne Show, who worked with Dan Akroyd on Saturday Night Live, who worked with Jim Belushi on Saturday Night Live, who was John Belushi's brother, who worked with Kevin Bacon on
film Animal House.
It's a variation of
old "6 Degrees of Separation" theory that has been around forever. And it's a lot like
new social networks.
Creating Your Network Most of these social networking groups create networks based on various common interests and for some, on trusted connections--which is much greater help to business folks. LinkedIn and Orkut are this type of network. You create your network link by link by link so your social network is bound to be a higher quality network than one in which anyone can join and contact anyone in
Here are
websites for
social networks I mentioned:
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Marketing Idea Shop's founder, Lois Carter Fay, is a marketing strategist with 30 years of experience to help you generate and implement ideas and strategies to grow your business. She works with women business owners, small business owners and managers to help them use their marketing dollars more effectively and increase profits. A marketing columnist and the author of three marketing ebooks, she is now writing her next ebook, Success Secrets of Women Entrepreneurs.