Using Social Networks to Get Business - AKA "The Kevin Bacon Game"

Written by Lois Carter Fay

Continued from page 1

For instance, Cuba Gooding, Jr. is in Home onrepparttar Range with Judi Dench, who is also working with Roseanne on Home onrepparttar 120506 Range, who worked with John Goodman onrepparttar 120507 Roseanne Show, who worked with Dan Akroyd on Saturday Night Live, who worked with Jim Belushi on Saturday Night Live, who was John Belushi's brother, who worked with Kevin Bacon onrepparttar 120508 film Animal House.

It's a variation ofrepparttar 120509 old "6 Degrees of Separation" theory that has been around forever. And it's a lot likerepparttar 120510 new social networks.

Creating Your Network Most of these social networking groups create networks based on various common interests and for some, on trusted connections--which is much greater help to business folks. LinkedIn and Orkut are this type of network. You create your network link by link by link so your social network is bound to be a higher quality network than one in which anyone can join and contact anyone inrepparttar 120511 network.

Here arerepparttar 120512 websites forrepparttar 120513 social networks I mentioned:

If you sign up for my marketing newsletter, MarketingIdeaShop Brainy Tidbits, delivered each week by email directly to your inbox, you'll find tons more resources and marketing ideas that you can put right to work. Visit and sign up onrepparttar 120514 site. Get "67 Ways to Promote Your Business" FREE by return email.

Marketing Idea Shop's founder, Lois Carter Fay, is a marketing strategist with 30 years of experience to help you generate and implement ideas and strategies to grow your business. She works with women business owners, small business owners and managers to help them use their marketing dollars more effectively and increase profits. A marketing columnist and the author of three marketing ebooks, she is now writing her next ebook, Success Secrets of Women Entrepreneurs.

3 Simple Sales Triggers to Hook in Your Lead & Make the Sale!

Written by Terah J. Logan

Continued from page 1

Go to and request your free copy of Yanik Silvers ebook 7 Hidden Psychological Trigger to Maximize sales. Why? Because we want you to be introduced to our website. The ebook is free and you are under no obligation to purchase anything ever!

Hook 3: Project objections to your promotion and answer them.

Don’t be afraid to put in writing objections you have received about your promotion or product. By putting outrepparttar so-called negative, before your prospect brings it up, you are being honest, showing confidence in your ability and product, andrepparttar 120505 client will appreciate that.

I am sure you have seen sales letters withrepparttar 120506 statement: “I know you are skeptical (about my sales pitch), but here isrepparttar 120507 some answers to your questions you may have about my product.” Thenrepparttar 120508 sales letter goes into ‘objections’ inrepparttar 120509 form of questions and answers them honestly and with authority.

Dorepparttar 120510 same andrepparttar 120511 prospect will instinctively trust you and give your product a chance. And if you are really smart, you will offer a money back guarantee that will closerepparttar 120512 sale easily.

Would you like 4 more hooks or triggers that will easily close more sales for you?

Downloadrepparttar 120513 Yanik Silvers free ebook, 7 Hidden Psychological Triggers to Maximize Sales, from . You have nothing to lose and a lot of marketing knowledge to gain.

Here’s to your SUCCESSS!

Terah J. Logan

Terah J Logan has been marketing and selling products online for over 8 years. Visit for up-to-date marketing products, ideas, & free downloads to assist your marketing efforts. Simple Steps 2 Success is an online resource for Internet Marketers to gain valuable knowledge regarding new (and not so new but still around) marketing products. Find out what’s HOT and what’s NOT by visiting

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