Using Photos As Graphics In Marketing Your Business

Written by Valerie Sipple

Continued from page 1

The camera obscura, as mentioned previously, was a large room with a small hole where light could pass through. The development ofrepparttar camera obscura took two tracks. One of these led torepparttar 103566 portable box device that was a drawing tool. Inrepparttar 103567 17th and 18th century, many artists were aided byrepparttar 103568 use ofrepparttar 103569 camera obscura.

Byrepparttar 103570 beginning ofrepparttar 103571 19th century,repparttar 103572 camera obscura was ready with little or no modification to accept a sheet of light sensitive material to becomerepparttar 103573 photographic camera. The other track becamerepparttar 103574 camera obscura room, a combination of education and entertainment.

Inrepparttar 103575 19th century, with improved lenses that could cast larger and sharper images,repparttar 103576 camera obscura flourished atrepparttar 103577 seaside and in areas of scenic beauty.

Of course now there are much more practical ways to take photographs. Fromrepparttar 103578 traditional 35mm cameras torepparttar 103579 newest cellular phones equipped with digital cameras. Big ones, small ones, and anything else you can think of. There is a camera to fit your needs and lifestyle, or even your color preference. The world of photography has certainly grown a lot overrepparttar 103580 years. Taking into consideration your usage when purchasing is key to investing inrepparttar 103581 proper equipment.

```````````````````````````````` Valerie Sipple isrepparttar 103582 webmaster of: a great resource for everything about photography. ````````````````````````````````

Valerie Sipple is the webmaster of: a great resource for everything about photography.

The importance of a focused business plan

Written by jack foley

Continued from page 1

A common theme is an entrepreneur starting out maybe with his/her own product website onrepparttar internet. He/She achieves a little bit of success, see's another avenue whererepparttar 103565 business might grow and dives in without thinking. It might work, butrepparttar 103566 odds are against it. Inrepparttar 103567 meantime his initial planned strategy is being totally neglected of resources and time. Multiply this scenario by 3 or 4 and you've got a problem. You will end up dabbling in different areas and not totally concentrating on one.

This goes back to my earlier point, it will not happen overnight. You have to give your business time. You will probably workrepparttar 103568 hardest and berepparttar 103569 most frustrated forrepparttar 103570 first 8-12 months. If you can focus onrepparttar 103571 business plan goals for this time period, your odds for making it are much higher. Try to ignorerepparttar 103572 other opportunities forrepparttar 103573 time being, at least until you get your business offrepparttar 103574 ground. When you get to that stage, thenrepparttar 103575 fun starts and then you can try other things knowing that you have built a solid business which will be there to protect you if your other ideas don’t work out.

Author Jack Foley works from home in Ireland For more articles and information about Jack's home business, visit Jack's website:

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