Using Feng Shui to Create a Vibration of Abundance

Written by Vicky White

Continued from page 1

Create an attitude of gratitude. Keep a gratitude journal and each night before you go to sleep write down 5 things you are grateful for today. Focusing on gratitude rather than lack is one ofrepparttar most powerful things you can do to attractrepparttar 123596 abundance vibration.

6. Language Clutter - The word 'want' means to desire without having! When you say you want something you are resonating with repparttar 123597 vibration of lack, rather than flowing withrepparttar 123598 vibration of abundance. You are also complaining, at a subtle level. The Universe responds to requests, not complaints. Try usingrepparttar 123599 words 'choose' or 'desire' - they may sound strange at first, but it's worth it to create a flow of energy.

7. Does your prosperity area feel abundant? Ask yourself, what do I currently own that represents abundance to me now? Once you have cleaned and clearedrepparttar 123600 clutter from your prosperity area, place this object there to createrepparttar 123601 vibration you choose to attract.

To discover whererepparttar 123602 prosperity area of your home or a room is, See

8. Try this game. Place a bowl or container you love inrepparttar 123603 prosperity area of your home or a room. Each day, take a coin, give thanks forrepparttar 123604 abundance you already have, andrepparttar 123605 abundance coming to you and placerepparttar 123606 coin inrepparttar 123607 bowl. The increasing coins represent your increasing abundance.

At some point when it feels right andrepparttar 123608 bowl is nearing full, make a decision about what to do with that money and start over. This will work best once you have clearedrepparttar 123609 clutter and cleanedrepparttar 123610 area. And remember, what you focus on expands.

Clearing clutter is an important part of Feng Shui. Before you can create something new you need to make space for it. The changes you make in your environment are mirrored in your life and support you in making emotional shifts. Feng Shui can provide a welcome boost in livingrepparttar 123611 life you want.

© 2003, Vicky White. All rights reserved. May be duplicated with attribution and copyright notice intact.

Vicky White is a Certified Feng Shui Consultant and Life Coach who works with clients both locally and internationally. Get your FREE 7-part e-course “Your Secret Weapon: Powerful Feng Shui Tips To Give Your Business The Competitive Edge” at

Using Feng Shui to Harness the Power of Your Intention

Written by Vicky White

Continued from page 1

The clearer you are about what you're choosing to create,repparttar greaterrepparttar 123595 chance of having what you want, andrepparttar 123596 more effectiverepparttar 123597 Feng Shui. Clearing clutter, or placing enhancements with intention is extremely powerful. It'srepparttar 123598 difference between making a 10% improvement or making a 120% improvement.

Maximizingrepparttar 123599 Power of Your Enhancements

Use these tools to create an environment of success that will support powerful outcomes for yourself. Make your self a priority and designrepparttar 123600 life of your dreams.

1. Get clear and very specific about your desired outcome, and write this down.

2. Removerepparttar 123601 clutter and cleanrepparttar 123602 area.

3. Choose an enhancement - something that representsrepparttar 123603 change you would like to create, and place it inrepparttar 123604 appropriate area of your home or room.

For a visual representation ofrepparttar 123605 Bagua Map and how to find where different aspects of your life are represented in your home go to:

4. Visualize or imagine your outcome as if it’s already happened - how does it feel?

5. Speak your desired outcome out loud, inrepparttar 123606 present tense. Always add, 'this or something better, forrepparttar 123607 Highest Good now occurs'. An example is: “I now have 2 new clients who are a perfect fit for me. This or something better, forrepparttar 123608 Highest Good now occurs”.

6. Start taking action towards your outcome.

Sometimes your Higher Power, sees a much bigger picture than you do, so don't place any limitations on what you might receive.

Feng Shui will move you towardsrepparttar 123609 next step in designing your life.

© 2003, Vicky White. All rights reserved. May be duplicated with attribution and copyright notice intact.

Vicky White is a Certified Feng Shui Consultant and Life Coach who works with clients both locally and internationally. Get your FREE 7-part e-course “Your Secret Weapon: Powerful Feng Shui Tips To Give Your Business The Competitive Edge” at

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