Use the Law of Attraction to Build Your Business

Written by Michael Losier

Continued from page 1

Re-readrepparttar definition of Law of Attraction: We attract into our lives whatever we give our attention to, whether wanted or unwanted. Law of Attraction responds to these negative feelings and gives us more of them. Law of Attraction does not know whether it is something you want or not; it simply responds to your mood or feeling and gives you more of it.

Each time you hear yourself make a Declarative Statement that does not serve you, simply restate it and offer a better mood or feeling. Here is a quick way to turn a negative statement into a positive Declarative Statement.

Simply ask yourself: "So, what do I want?"

The moment you define what you do want, you start to experience a new mood or feeling, and Law of Attraction will respond to this better mood or feeling.

Overrepparttar 103056 next few days, start to notice what is appearing in your life, that is, what you are attracting. Then think back to what mood or feeling you may have offered that could have attracted what appeared. You'll soon find yourself manifesting more and more of what you do want, and less of what you don't want, by deliberately puttingrepparttar 103057 Law of Attraction to work for you.

For more articles by Michael Losier, Teleclass information or to purchaserepparttar 103058 book, Law of Attraction, The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't, visit

Michael Losier, a Law of Attraction Trainer and author, supports people in understanding and practicing the Art of Deliberate Attraction, so they can have more of what they want and less of what they don't. Michael has been applying the principles of Law of Attraction for many years and enjoys a wonderful and rewarding life in the city of Victoria, BC

Fail Your Way To The Top

Written by Dr. Jamie Fettig

Continued from page 1

Who was he?

A simple uneducated country boy who refused to allow his uncongenial circumstances stop him. He refused to be a victim. He refused to accept failure. He refused to listen to people who told him he was crazy. He refused to stay down when he felt like nothing was going his way.

Simply put, he picked himself up no matter what and kept on going after his dream. He educated himself and did whatever it took to keep moving inrepparttar direction of his passions.

Who was he? Abraham Lincoln.

If you reflect back on your life, I am sure that you can see a pattern ofrepparttar 103055 times you grewrepparttar 103056 most. Many of those times are probably a result of some kind of previous 'failure.' Maybe even a series of them.

I would like to suggest that a child doesn't fail when they are learning to walk. They fall down over and over again. It isrepparttar 103057 falling that teaches them and strengthens them.

Each time we fail is a learning experience, andrepparttar 103058 faster we pick ourselves up, reflect onrepparttar 103059 past occurrence and go on again,repparttar 103060 faster we can achieve our goals and dreams.

So with this in mind, chooserepparttar 103061 one thing that may not be going exactly as you wish right now and do one thing to move you closer to achievingrepparttar 103062 result you want!

And remember, life is about learning and growing.

Have fun and create a masterpiece!

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