Use Joint Ventures to Grow your Business

Written by Armand Melanson

Continued from page 1
choose you asrepparttar referrer. If this is satisfactory, let us know whatrepparttar 121273 entry for your name will be and we will add it torepparttar 121274 order page. So for no money & less than a few hours work, I am getting a check from fastwebsites for every subscriber who signs-up with them. It is no hassle for me because I was going to recommend them anyhow. It is good for fastwebsites because they get new customers. And it is good for my customers because they get access to a great webhost without having to take a shot inrepparttar 121275 dark. Everybody wins!!! Andrepparttar 121276 possibilities are endless. As long asrepparttar 121277 joint venture brings added value to both you & your customers, then it is probably a good idea. Careful though - don't ever send out misleading or useless info to your customers even whenrepparttar 121278 joint venture payoff appears to be good - that is a quick way to kill your business. So when you see a mutual benefit from collaborating with another company, go for it. One word of caution though: most e-companies are inundated with JV offers. In order to make your stand out, you should: => clearly illustraterepparttar 121279 benefits to your JV partner => coverrepparttar 121280 details - leave no unanswered questions Email is one way to approach a JV partner, but it will likely get turfed by whoever handles it. If you want to get results, callrepparttar 121281 company & getrepparttar 121282 number ofrepparttar 121283 person in charge ofrepparttar 121284 area that relates to your proposal. Start atrepparttar 121285 top ofrepparttar 121286 chain & work your way down... ---------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Armand Melanson is an emarketing consultant & author. For free marketing tips & articles you can re-use, visit him at ----------------------------------------------------

Armand Melanson is an emarketing consultant & author. For free marketing tips & articles you can re-use, visit him at

How to Harness the POWER of Pay-per-Click Search Engines

Written by Armand Melanson

Continued from page 1
visitors, then you can't afford to spend more than $20 to attract 100 visitors (in fact, you should spend less if you want to make any money). So that means that you can't bid more than $0.20 per keyword at Overture & still make money. At $0.20, you will not break even. With this information, you can now assess whether or not it is feasible for you to test market your widgets via Overture. If you could get a top 5 bid at Overture for $0.10, let's see how things would work out: - at 0.10$ per click, it will cost you $10/100 visitors. This means that each 100 visitors will produce: $30(customer price) - $10(your cost) - $10(click costs) ----------------------- = $10 profit $10 per 100 visitors is not alot of money unless your able to produce thousands of visitors/day - not likely. Based on this assessment, you should pick another product or another market & start all over again. This is a general approach which can be modified according torepparttar circumstances. Certain product have higher conversion rates than others. Your site marketing copy will have an effect on conversion as well. I use 1% conversion to be onrepparttar 121272 safe side. As well, some products might sell better in hard copy ads or trade magazines, so online testing might not berepparttar 121273 best assessment. But if you are going to sell online, doing this basic kind of number crunching is what will help you to establish what types of products/services you should consider selling. Otherwise, you are really not looking out for your best interests -repparttar 121274 success of your business venture. 1) Is there a demand for this? 2) Can I quickly & affordably advertise torepparttar 121275 target market? That's whatrepparttar 121276 number crunching tries to answer for you. The best products will berepparttar 121277 ones which: - have some demand, but not too much (a niche market) - have relatively low competition at Overture -repparttar 121278 biggerrepparttar 121279 difference between what it costs you for 100 visitors & how much profit you make per 100 visitors,repparttar 121280 better So let's reviewrepparttar 121281 process again: - identify some in demand markets - pick several products which target those markets - do some informal surveys to identifyrepparttar 121282 top products - userepparttar 121283 Overture search suggestion tool to verify how many searches are being made onrepparttar 121284 most relevant keywords for your prospective products - determine whether you can bid high enough to get a top 5 spot at Overture forrepparttar 121285 most relevant keywords - build a simple prototype site & submit your listings to Overture - monitor your traffic to determine whether you have sufficient visitors to make a go of it - build a full fledged site which is fully optimized to sell Signup with Overture here: Here is a good site which lists several other payperclicks:

---------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Armand Melanson is an emarketing consultant & author. For free marketing tips & articles you can re-use, visit him at ----------------------------------------------------

Armand Melanson is an emarketing consultant & author. For free marketing tips & articles you can re-use, visit him at

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