Use Gift Giving Site to promote your product

Written by Wayne Liu

Continued from page 1

Gift Giving sites eliminate this problem by showing products in open areas that are easy for visitors to see. Categorizerepparttar gift ideas into different hobbies, events and type of people (Example:, which help gift shoppers to find out what they want.

Yes, there are a lot of gift giving idea sites onrepparttar 120438 Internet. But most of them are ecommerce sites that focus on selling their own products. There are couple sites really providing different kinds of gift giving ideas but those sites are relatively immature. There are a lot of areas that can be improved.

There are two types of sites that provide gift giving ideas based on people and events. The first type of gift giving site is they show product details and images on their web sites. Usually, these product images and details are submitted by vendors for Pay-Per-Click Advertisement. This approach may limitrepparttar 120439 number of products or product categories showing onrepparttar 120440 site.

The other type of gift giving site is they don’t show products details for gift ideas, but show lots of different ideas for specific events or type of people. However, they don’t tell or guide people where to buy. Even I can find some of them have links to other sites, but those are standard banners that point to other sites’ home pages. That is not convenient to customers.

Therefore, gift giving sites are not perfect today. There are a lot of areas that can be improved. You should use some creative marketing ideas on promoting gift giving site. Not only that, gift giving site is also extremely good for selling advertisement, as long as you have enough traffic to your site.

Wayne Liu is the founder of, a leading Gift Giving ideas site that provides thousands of gift ideas for different kinds of events and different kinds of people. He can be reached at

Powerful Direct Marketing Numbers

Written by Larry Brophy

Continued from page 1

Why? Because they are easy to read - easy to understand. Your message will be quickly absorbed.

The 500 most common words in English have 13,000 meanings. No wonder we have trouble with basic communication. One answer is to go short. It pays with results.

7 Keep ALL paragraphs to a maximum of 7 lines. Never more than 7...and sometimes just 1 or 2. i.e., short paragraphs.

Again, why? Because a large block of copy looks tough, even if it is not. The tactic of short makes your message look more inviting.

1 A postscript (P.S.) is mandatory in every direct mail letter. Because 4 of 5 of your readers will readrepparttar P.S. first...before they read anything else in your letter.

5 Indent every paragraph 5 spaces.

This 'Number' is really physiology - not marketing. Our eyes pull us 'in' when we see indents. They pull us to a point - and while we're there, we read. It works. Indent all paragraphs.

Onrepparttar 120437 other side ofrepparttar 120438 paragraph -repparttar 120439 right side - userepparttar 120440 ragged right design. Do not justify margins! Do not proportionally space your sentences. Ragged right increases readership.

1/2 Whenever you go to a second page in a letter - splitrepparttar 120441 last sentence in half.

Begin it atrepparttar 120442 bottom ofrepparttar 120443 first page...end it atrepparttar 120444 top ofrepparttar 120445 next page. Why? To pull-l-l-lrepparttar 120446 reader with you. 'Make' them turnrepparttar 120447 page. Keep them reading.

The same tactic works in anything printed with columns. Such as brochures, reply forms, print ads...anything. Splitrepparttar 120448 last sentence...the last paragraph in two. And moverepparttar 120449 reader torepparttar 120450 next column.

481 Be specific. The number 481 is much more specific - and much more believable! - than saying 'almost 500'.

Odd numbers get more attention than even. Use 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 and you are more likely to be noticed. A list of 11 is better than a list of 10. 99 or 101 ideas is better than an even 100.

One more thing on numbers; userepparttar 120451 number - notrepparttar 120452 word. As I have done in this article. The number 3 or 7 is easier to see, read and understand thanrepparttar 120453 word three or seven.

30 Offers with a date work to get more action - more response. Try a Limited Time Offer.

Good for only 30 days...or better yet, 'This offer good only until August 31' gets action. Test making your offer a Limited Time Offer. It can increase your response.

There are many more 'Powerful Numbers' in Direct Marketing. This list will get you going to make your mail, your print, your collateral materials - all your written communication - just that much better. Good writing!

Larry Brophy has helped thousands of businesses find more buyers for their products and services the past 20+ years. He's the resident webmaster at:, your TOP source of targeted sales leads.

Read additional marketing articles by Larry Brophy at

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