Unplug Your Brain from the TV Matrix

Written by Katherine Westphal

Continued from page 1

In that sense it is also like a dream. While dreaming, a person cannot tell that they are merely dreaming and their thoughts do not carry intorepparttar ‘real world’. The difference with dreaming and television is that in dreamingrepparttar 132192 dreamer, at least his or her subconscious, is actually in control. With television,repparttar 132193 media and broadcasting companies, and their executives, are in full control - at least, until someone turns offrepparttar 132194 TV.

Furthermore,repparttar 132195 more TV a person watches,repparttar 132196 morerepparttar 132197 logical side ofrepparttar 132198 brain will atrophy. The more a person’s critical thinking atrophies,repparttar 132199 more he or she will lose touch withrepparttar 132200 real world. The more that person loses touch withrepparttar 132201 real world,repparttar 132202 more vulnerable they will be to manipulation andrepparttar 132203 more dependent they will be onrepparttar 132204 television to tell them what to think, do, and say.

So, unplug your brain fromrepparttar 132205 TV. A whole new life awaits you, a real life, a life that you will create. What happens after that is up to you. As Neo says atrepparttar 132206 end of The Matrix, “I’m not here to tell you how this is going to end. I’m here to tell you how it's going to begin”.

Let it begin.

Sources: "Television: Opiate ofrepparttar 132207 Masses" by Wes Moore (http://www.cognitiveliberty.org/5jcl/5JCL59.htm) "TV Alters Brainwaves" by Michael Ballard (http://www.corporations.org/media/tv.html)

Katherine Westphal is the creator of TrashYourTV.com, a website dedicated to helping individuals and families find fun and easy ways to reduce or eliminate TV from their lives. Are you addicted to TV? Take our quiz to find out: http://www.trashyourtv.com/survey.

Why do some hate more than others? (B)

Written by Terry Dashner

Continued from page 1

Why do we kill each other? The first great work of history, Thucydides’ History ofrepparttar Peloponnesian War, written inrepparttar 132190 fifth century B.C. E., is an analysis dedicated to discussing why men fight. Thucydides did not ask whether war was right or wrong. To him, war was a fact of life—men fight for survival. The author’s message was that if one fights, one risks death; butrepparttar 132191 country that refuses to fight will undergo death asrepparttar 132192 penalty.

Then againrepparttar 132193 ancient Book of all books,repparttar 132194 Bible, states something similar to Thucydides’ philosophy when it says, “There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven—“(3:1) In verse eight ofrepparttar 132195 same chapter it continues, “…A time for war and a time for peace” (Ecclesiastes 3:8b). There is no explanation why, onlyrepparttar 132196 fact stated as truth.

I’ll close this document by quoting Mr. Strauss one more time. “Democracy and capitalism are shared values, and, when combined with an ever-increasing interdependent economic system, it is rarely inrepparttar 132197 interest of one such country to harm another becauserepparttar 132198 net result will be a diminution of both. As such, one ofrepparttar 132199 best things that can be done to promote world peace is to promote capitalistic democracies. Far from being jingoistic, this is simply a conclusion drawn fromrepparttar 132200 facts: Democracies don’t go to war.”

See you tomorrow. Inrepparttar 132201 mean time keeprepparttar 132202 faith, and stayrepparttar 132203 course. Jesus one day will rightrepparttar 132204 wrongs. Pastor Tdash.

Pastors a church in Broken Arrow, OK.

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