Unlock the Key to your Success by learning more about Yourself

Written by BZ Riger-Hull

Continued from page 1
Write in a journal every evening before bed. Just free write for 10 minutes, write anything that pops into your head. Don't edit, or censor. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, or penmanship. Just write. This exercise will allowrepparttar junk mail of your mind to be released. It will let your negative thoughts out on paper and clear your body of these toxins. If you can do this every night, you will find in a few weeks that things seem clearer to you. You will be more comfortable with your thoughts. You will even find little gems amongrepparttar 123240 junk that will help you gain a better understanding of who you are and what your heart's desire is. Take a moment, sometime every day just for you. Just sit or stand quietly and pause. Take several deep breaths and take a moment to be still. Don't do anything, just take hold of that moment for yourself and do absolutely nothing! As you get to know yourself better and bring your life into balance you will realize that you are a unique and important person. Your life has a purpose, everything that you say and do matters. Believe in yourself, be proud of who you are and what you have to offer to others. You are exactly where you are supposed to be! ~~~ Resource Box ©BZ Riger-Hull. www.in-spiros.com For valuable free articles, assessments, & practical success tools mailto:A1@smartautoresponder.com Certified as a Success Coach, “Four Agreements” Facilitator, & Tele-Course leader We help you communicate powerfully, reduce stress, Strategically Attract success, & increase your financial well-being.

BZ Riger-Hull is a nationally recognized certified Success Coach and “Four Agreements” Leader, she is the Author of “The Soul of Success.”

A Sweep of Vanity: How To Burst Your Own Bubble

Written by Maya Talisman Frost

Continued from page 1

There's plenty to laugh about. What makes you care so much about how you look to others, anyway? Isn't it silly how much time and effort you put into making a good impression? Isn't it hilarious to recognize that everybody else is earnestly working to make a good impression, too? What if we all just relaxed and had a big belly laugh over how ridiculous we are? We'd get more done, and we'd have more fun doing it.

We take ourselves far too seriously. We should seize every opportunity to poke fun at our affectations. When we break down that facade we've so carefully crafted, we invite everyone else to join us. It'srepparttar most effective way to connect with others and encourage a more lighthearted focus on what's really important.

One way to stay real about yourself is to intentionally select a goofy title. Forgetrepparttar 123238 traditional chief-of- operations, vice-president-of-marketing, sales-division- manager options. I choose to call myself a "mind masseuse" because it sounds silly. The image of someone poking their fingers into your brain is wacky. It makes people smile. (Okay, so it's vain to care about what others think. At least I can laugh about it!)

My husband owns his own business. Most people would refer to him as a CEO or president. Not him. He orchestratesrepparttar 123239 distribution of Bodylinx magnetic jewelry, so he refers to himself as a "magnetic conductor". He adds this title to every email and letter he sends, and people appreciate his humorous approach.

Why not have a little fun with your description of your work? Fancy titles are laughable in their vanity. Even if your work requires you to maintain a certain level of decorum, come up with your own title for yourself that makes you smile. It'll keep you from getting too puffed up.

"A man who is not a fool can rid himself of every folly except vanity." Jean Jacques Rousseau, another French philosopher

Next time you find yourself studiously protecting your image, just grin. You're human. Vanity is a natural tendency, and one you're bound to hang on to despite your best efforts. Recognize it, laugh at it, and don't be shy about sharing that realization with others.

It will make you a more excellent human where it matters most--inrepparttar 123240 eyes of those you love.

Maya Taisman Frost is a mind masseuse. Her work has inspired thinkers in over 80 countries. To subscribe to her free weekly ezine, the Friday Mind Massage, visit http://www.massageyourmind.com.

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