Unleashing the power of knowledge

Written by Brian Holte

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aroundrepparttar world are just starting to experience what you have “already been through”. Share your expertise and insight into how you’ve dealt with certain adversities and you’ll never run out of ideas for something to write about. By doing this you’ll profit from your sharing by selling this valuable information in electronic format, you’ll haverepparttar 108432 satisfaction of knowing that you are helping people who are inrepparttar 108433 situation you were “once in” at some point in your life, you can give a different prospective on how to deal with this or that, ideas that your reader would have never thought about until you shared your experiences with them, they might even be eternally grateful to you for your advice on whatever subject their having trouble dealing with, knowing that their not alone, knowing that their notrepparttar 108434 only one who has faced such adversities, and knowing that whateverrepparttar 108435 problem is...it can be overcome. When you share with people how you’ve overcome certain problems in your life, be brutally honest. You will find as you write, everything just flows out, your passion, your pain, but most importantly your triumphs. Not only will you be helpingrepparttar 108436 reader, you will be helping yourself. You may even find writing to be therapeutic, you may even notice your outlook on life become even more upbeat and positive than it already was. You may find your self emotionally exhausted but feeling somewhat invigorated atrepparttar 108437 same time, take it in and feel good about what you’ve given back.

Brian is a freelance writer covering topics of interest to readers of all ages. Some topics covered are health, money and family related issues. He is the owner of www.theebookking.com and welcomes free quailty ebook submissions of topics to which people are genuinely interested in.

Such a thing as bait overload?

Written by Brian Holte

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only when applied to a book that we are asking a much higher price for, such as $97.00. Asking people to fork out that kind of cash can be pretty risky simply because many people can’t affordrepparttar asking price, or figure it’s not worth it. Whatever information that is contained in that ebook had better be hard to come by information orrepparttar 108431 percentage of refund requests could be high. To avoid this potential downfall is when offering bonuses should come into play. Butrepparttar 108432 bottom line is this, ifrepparttar 108433 information contained inrepparttar 108434 ebook your offering is truly valuable why bother offering a bunch of bonuses inrepparttar 108435 first place, possibly risking making your prospect suspicious? Not everyone perceivesrepparttar 108436 same way. If they takerepparttar 108437 risk (and a lot of people who purchase online feel they do take risks when making a purchase) and buy your info product without any bonuses and like what they read, as long as it helped them, most ofrepparttar 108438 time they won’t ask for a refund, and you’ve made a sale and everyone’s happy. Long extended no questions asked money back guarantees can be a great way of putting your prospects fears at ease, but sometimes it can backfire to. But even more importantly than offering bonuses, 1 year money back guarantees and allrepparttar 108439 rest, it’s absolutely critical and probablyrepparttar 108440 most important part of closing a sale is to have your contact information in plain view on your site. A place they can call and to talk to a “real person” before deciding to buy, and a physical address, not a P.O. Box. More often than not that’s all that’s required besides good ad copy, but I see many sites in my web surfing adventures who fall short on providing that information. As a customer would I buy from them...not a chance.

Brian is a freelance writing covering topics of interest in the financial, health, and family arena's. He's the owner of www.theebookking.com and invites submissions of free quality ebooks to display in his growing directory.

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