Unique baby Shower Gifts

Written by Cathy Cripps

Continued from page 1


Ifrepparttar baby is a little girl, matching daughter and mother-to-be bracelets is a great option. You can find these in a wide price range and materials. In addition to buying matching jewelry, special pieces can also be made. With this baby gift, it would be wonderful for a newborn christening or even for an adopted child of any age.


Crystal has become a very popular gift idea. Some crystal is very affordable but made to last a lifetime.

Cathy is the Owner of Baby Shower Moments and the author of Baby Shower Moments A to Z Guide. If you are looking for baby shower ideas pay Cathy a visit.

Bedridden Mother baby shower party

Written by Cathy Cripps

Continued from page 1

•Video tapes or DVDs are nice in that she can watch her favorite television shows or movies while still gettingrepparttar rest needed.

•A day spa certificate to include massage, facial, pedicure, and manicure for after her baby is born would provide her with something to look forward to but you might also go in with other people in having a reflexologist or masseuse come to her.

•Care package for afterrepparttar 146755 birth, again to help her think aboutrepparttar 146756 future. This could include a trip torepparttar 146757 beauty parlor, dinner out with her husband or friend, housecleaning service for two to four weeks, three to six-month supply of diapers, and so on.

•Body lotion, perfume, balloons, flowers, and other similar things are always nice to help brightenrepparttar 146758 room and put her in a better mood while waiting for her new bundle of joy to arrive.

Cathy is the Owner of Baby Shower Moments and the author of Baby Shower Moments A to Z Guide. If you are looking for baby shower gifts pay Cathy a visit.

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