Unique Selling Point, Ideal Customer, and Consumer Thinking

Written by Darrin F. Coe, MA

Continued from page 1

The next process a buyer may go through isrepparttar “buyer resolution process”. This involves a process ofrepparttar 100691 buyer answering five purchasing questions. If all are answered inrepparttar 100692 affirmative thenrepparttar 100693 consumer will most like make a purchase. The questions are: 1. Why should I buy (is there a need) 2. What should I buy (what product will meetrepparttar 100694 need) 3. Where should I buy (what source providesrepparttar 100695 product) 4. What is a fair price (isrepparttar 100696 price of this product worth meetingrepparttar 100697 need) 5. When should I buy (is meeting my need necessary at this point) This mental process is used more often when a customer is actively trying to fill a perceived need. The process is generally not an impulsive process. People who go through this process need to be convinced on each question, inrepparttar 100698 affirmative. These arerepparttar 100699 type of people that engage in comparison shopping and use consumer guides to make decisions.

If your ideal customer profile leads you to believe that your customer is not likely to be an impulse buyer then marketing withrepparttar 100700 above process in mind is probably smart. You need to present your product or service in a manner that will helprepparttar 100701 consumer answerrepparttar 100702 above questions inrepparttar 100703 affirmative, leading to them making a purchase. This is where your unique selling point becomes very important. The USP is used to answerrepparttar 100704 consumer’s questions.

The final process is referred to asrepparttar 100705 “needs-satisfaction” process. This process is engaged in when a person is making a purchase to satisfy a need in a complex selling situation. The consumer is looking for a consultive partnership withrepparttar 100706 seller. This isrepparttar 100707 process that many customers engage in which leads to repeat business. It satisfies all of there questions by havingrepparttar 100708 seller identify their needs and generating products or services that seem to be customized torepparttar 100709 identified need. Several points concerning this process:

1. The consumer is aware they have a need but may not be aware of what it is specifically sorepparttar 100710 seller must conduct an assessment to help them better pinpoint their need. This process treatsrepparttar 100711 individual consumer as separate target market.

2. Questions and two-way communication are a priority in this marketing process. They are designed to helprepparttar 100712 consumer pinpoint their need and then you can take them throughrepparttar 100713 resolution process based on your product or service.

3. This type of consumer process is facilitated if you attempt to advocate for and facilitate a long term relationship withrepparttar 100714 customer. This isrepparttar 100715 customer that needs to trustrepparttar 100716 seller. They want to feel like they knowrepparttar 100717 seller and this leads to confidence and credibility onrepparttar 100718 sellers part.

These three consumer decision making processes are not necessarily different approaches. The reality is they work in concert with one another dependent on whatrepparttar 100719 consumer presents torepparttar 100720 seller. You can think of them as a complex progression which is dependent onrepparttar 100721 customer need,repparttar 100722 customer profile, and your unique selling point.

If you keep these processes in mind as you create your advertising and marketing plan. I believe you will see increased success and develop more repeat business.

Darrin F. Coe, MA is a mental health professional, weekly columnist, andrepparttar 100723 author ofrepparttar 100724 ebook, “Micro Loans: Finance Your Dreams” available at http://dcoe1.tripod.com/microfinance you can contact him at coe@ris.net or at http://dcoe1.tripod.com

Darrin F. Coe is a mental health professional, weekly columnist and author of the ebook "Micro Loans: Finance Your Dream" available at http://dcoe1.tripod.com/microfinance

Increase Sales By Flying Under Your Prospects Radar

Written by Jim Edwards

Continued from page 1

Fact: Publishing and promoting with free articles gives you one ofrepparttar most powerful opportunities available to tiprepparttar 100690 buyer's credibility scale in your favor.

How can we prove this works? Quite easily actually. Take a break from reading this and go check out a newspaper or magazine for a minute.

Which do you trust more,repparttar 100691 ads orrepparttar 100692 articles? Most people will chooserepparttar 100693 articles hands down. Why? Becauserepparttar 100694 articles don't try to "sell" you anything. Instead, they hand out useful information for educational or other practical purposes.

Most of us grew up in a culture which says we can believe and "trust" what appears inrepparttar 100695 standard "news" or "information" format. In other words, if it appears in print, then we can believe and trustrepparttar 100696 author.

So go ahead! Use this lifetime of conditioning to your advantage in selling your products and services!

Very few things will create an atmosphere of trust and confidence in people as reading one of your articles on a subject that greatly interests them. It shows you know your business. It also demonstrates you will do more than just try to sell them something.

Publishing articles literally lets you fly under their advertising "radar defenses."

So remember these points when deciding whether or not to use articles to promote your business:

1. Few things create as much trust and confidence inrepparttar 100697 minds of potential customers as reading an article you wrote on a subject which specifically and intensely interests them.

2. Articles establish credibility quickly because, right or wrong, we've all been trained to trustrepparttar 100698 "news."

3. An article, or series of articles, will differentiate you fromrepparttar 100699 competition, who bombard people with nothing but sales messages.

4. Providing content-rich, non-sales-oriented articles will also help build and solidify your relationship with existing customers so they give you repeat business.


Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist andrepparttar 100700 co- author of an amazing new ebook, "Turn Words Into Traffic," that will teach you how to use free articles to quickly drive thousands of targeted visitors to your website or affiliate link! Click Here ==> http://the-easy-way.com/traffic.html

Need MORE TRAFFIC to your website or affiliate links? "Turn Words Into Traffic" reveals the secrets for using FREE articles to drive Thousands of NEW visitors to your website or affiliate links... without spending a dime on advertising! Click Here> http://the-easy-way.com/traffic.html

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