Unique Internet Marketing Stands Out From The Crowd

Written by Joshua Rose

Continued from page 1

To seperate yourself fromrepparttar pack, you need to look at every aspect of your internet marketing effort and ask yourself, "What's unique about this?" And, "How does this contribute to my own unique web presence?"

Here's some important areas to look at to get you started.

* Are you playing it safe and trying to please and sell everyone, and consequently selling to almost no one?

* Why should your prospects believe YOU when they are skeptical of so many others?

* How about your ezine? Is it similar to countless others or is there a unique theme or tone running through it?

* While your ads may be well written, isrepparttar 121230 overall message very muchrepparttar 121231 same asrepparttar 121232 pack?

* How is your sales page unique? And have you given it a measured dose of your own personality?

This process of developing a distinct 'uniqueness' is subjective, involves risks, takes work to implement, and time to evaluate and change again if necessary. But in doing so, you will developrepparttar 121233 factors crucial to successfully setting yourself apart in a very competitive marketplace.

Back onboard, my wife took a chance and went torepparttar 121234 OTHER SIDE ofrepparttar 121235 boat, alone. Sure enough,repparttar 121236 whale popped up for a few seconds, she gotrepparttar 121237 shot, and that wasrepparttar 121238 last that was seen of that whale, or any other, forrepparttar 121239 rest ofrepparttar 121240 trip. There were alot of unhappy tourists grumbling onrepparttar 121241 way back.

Stand out fromrepparttar 121242 crowd. Move torepparttar 121243 empty side ofrepparttar 121244 boat -- and you'll stand a much better chance of getting your picture ofrepparttar 121245 whale.

Joshua Rose is the Editor of The Internet Profit Wizards Newsletter, where he writes about the three most important skills needed to attain internet success. To subscribe, visit: http://www.internetprofitwizards.com.

The Art of Networking

Written by Alvin Apple

Continued from page 1

Notice what books, magazines, and newspapers people carry. Say you own an interior design company and you see someone reading a magazine like "Better Homes and Gardens." Maybe you've read an article in that magazine that you can discuss with this person.

Comment onrepparttar article or headline and try to get a conversation going. Be sure to askrepparttar 121229 person what they do to discern whether this is a business contact or a potential customer.

Be careful about appearing to be an opportunist. Express genuine interest in what your contact's opinions are, and listen closely to what they say to find your "in point."

Remember, not everyone will be receptive to your efforts. If you limit your networking to approaching random people onrepparttar 121230 street, then chances are you will be rejected more often.

Networking at conferences, workshops, and organization meetings likerepparttar 121231 Chamber of Commerce are bound to elicit more results. But never ignore a chance to simply get out onrepparttar 121232 street and talk to regular people. You never know; you might gain your best customer while waiting forrepparttar 121233 bus.

Alvin Apple helps everyday people start businesses they will enjoy. Then he teaches them how to succeed. Read all his helpful strategies at http://AlvinApple.com Reach Alvin at 801-253-4535 or alvin@drnunley.com.

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