Unemployment Blues: Getting Active

Written by Virginia Bola, PsyD

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5. List your abilities, skills, and positive personal characteristics on a piece of paper. Write down your past successes and triumphs, however small. Readrepparttar list daily to remind yourself of your value. Add torepparttar 107126 list as you recall other positive qualities. 6. Remind yourself ofrepparttar 107127 realities ofrepparttar 107128 labor market – that most of us will change jobs dozens of times in our working life and many change actual careers several times. Being out of work does not mean that there is something wrong with you, just that it is now your turn to go through this upheaval. Next time it may be your spouse or friend – it is part ofrepparttar 107129 human condition in 21st corporate America. 7. Be kind to yourself. Your self-confidence, self-esteem and self-regard have all been hit with a steel boot. Actively look at yourself withrepparttar 107130 eyes of a concerned friend and give yourselfrepparttar 107131 support, sympathy, and goodwill that you would extend to anyone you love who had sufferedrepparttar 107132 same fate.

Virginia Bola operated a rehabilitation company for 20 years, developing innovative job search techniques for disabled workers, while serving as a respected Vocational Expert in Administrative, Civil and Workers' Compensation Courts. Author of an interactive and emotionally supportive workbook, The Wolf at the Door: An Unemployment Survival Manual, and a monthly ezine, The Worker's Edge, she can be reached at http://www.unemploymentblues.com

JobSniper Rated #1 Job Meta-Search Engine

Written by JobSniper.com Staff

Continued from page 1

About Jobsniper.com JobSniper.com is a sophisticated set of career-related tools designed to focus a jobseeker's career search and job search efforts onrepparttar most productive online resources. Our Meta-Search Technology, Search Agents, and Career-Related Information make it possible for jobseekers to findrepparttar 107125 resources best suited to their job search and employment needs. Simply stated, JobSniper isrepparttar 107126 best tool for managing careers andrepparttar 107127 job-hunting process.

JobSniper was developed and is managed by a highly skilled team of career industry professionals, whose mission is to develop and deploy web-enabled applications that allow recruiters and employers to optimizerepparttar 107128 job search and client-acquisition process.

JobSniper has been providing technology and information services forrepparttar 107129 human capital industry for nearly a decade. Our experience and insight intorepparttar 107130 unique needs ofrepparttar 107131 jobseeker, recruiter and employer is unparalleled inrepparttar 107132 industry. JobSniper services jobseekers, recruiters and employersrepparttar 107133 US, Canada, andrepparttar 107134 United Kingdom. For more information about JobSniper, please visit us at www.jobsniper.com.

About Insala Insala LLC is a human resources, web technology development and services organization. Insala provides niche career management-related technology and services to corporations and organizations, outplacement and career management firms, governments, universities, recruiting firms, and ultimately, employees.

Insala is a highly responsive, multi-national company heavily engaged inrepparttar 107135 sale, implementation, and continual development of career management, web-native, technological applications, and solutions.

JobSniper.com is a sophisticated set of career-related tools designed to focus a jobseeker's career search and job search efforts on the most productive online resources.

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