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A virtual point of sale application (VPOS) is a replacement for traditional hardware-based POS terminals that you may be familiar with at restaurants, bars and other places where credit cards are accepted. The application is either installed on your PC, or is accessed through a secure web connection (much like an online order form). VPOS lets you authorize, settle, credit and delete transactions, and may perform other functions such as reporting.
VPOS is used by businesses that want to process payments that arrive by phone, fax or email, such as call centres and mail order businesses.
Wireless ___________
Useful When …You are processing payments in remote locations (e.g. pizza delivery, flea markets, etc.) Make Sure That … Your data transmission is secure. The wireless connection should be digital to protect data. ___________
Many wireless devices are emerging now to satisfy needs of mobile workers. Digital cell phones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDA’s, such as Palm Pilots) and specialized hardware can now be used as mobile payment devices. With a “WAP-enabled” cell phone or browser-based PDA, you can enter basic information required to process a transaction.
Wireless payment processing is useful in situations where traditional or PC-based point of sale devices cannot be used.
Swipe Card ___________
Useful When …The customer is present and when you need to give customer a signed receipt for their payment Make Sure That … Your merchant account is configured to take advantage of lower discount rate (i.e. credit card fee) ___________
Swipe card applications are ones where credit card can be “swiped” through a card reader, and customer can sign receipt. The swipe device can typically be connected to a PC, or specialized devices are available for use (such as traditional POS terminals).
The merchant account fees for swiped (“card present”) transactions are lower than “card not present” transactions.
2. Get a merchant account
A merchant account gives merchants right to accept credit cards for payment. A merchant account is required for each credit card you wish to accept. This step can be most time-consuming and frustrating for merchants, and it will also be component that most influences your costs of doing business online. Researching your merchant account options, understanding merchant account process, knowing how merchant account providers assess merchants, and “shopping around”, will pay off dramatically.
Merchant accounts have several fees associated with them, including a set-up fee ($200-$500), monthly statement fees ($5-$10), a monthly minimum fee ($20-$30) and a discount rate. The discount rate is a percentage of your sales revenue that banks levy, and it varies by how “risky” your business is perceived to be (many factors enter into this, such as your credit history, type of products you sell, your sales volume, average order size, etc.).
When enquiring about merchant accounts, start with your bank first. Then shop around. Fees vary significantly from institution to institution. In fact, they sometimes vary within an institution, depending upon merchant account representative you speak with. Depending upon your sales volume, shopping around can save you a lot of money over time.
If you wish, EasyPay123 has relationships with several merchant account providers, some of which have online applications that are available online on EasyPay123’s website. We’d also be happy to advise as you work through process of obtaining a merchant account.
For more information, see EasyPay123’s article entitled “Getting a Merchant Account” available by sending us a request through our online contact form at
3. Select a payment gateway
The payment gateway is service that connects your payment interface to financial network. Gateways take payment information from application, ensure that data is valid, format it appropriately, and send it on to financial network for authorization, settlement, etc. Gateways typically also offer advanced features such as reporting and transaction management.
When you select a gateway, make sure that they can connect to your interface of choice (some gateways may also offer their own payment applications that you can take advantage of). Also make sure that they can connect to your merchant bank (so that funds can be deposited to your account). Finally, determine what other features you are looking for in a payment gateway, such as recurring payments, ability to process in multiple currencies, email notification of orders, fraud screening, etc. Shop around and ask lots of questions. Once you connect to a specific gateway, switching can be expensive and time consuming.
4. Payment-enable your application
Once your gateway has been selected, someone needs to connect it to your payment interface and customize it to meet your needs (if it is customizable). This is typically job of your developer. Make sure that developer has done this kind of work before, and will be around if you need changes in future. Be explicit about your requirements and document them so that they are unambiguous.
5. Test and Launch
Since it’s your money that is being processed, be meticulous about testing application. Use a real credit card (for each credit card type your are accepting) and process a small transaction (e.g. $1.00) to make sure that payment is authorized properly and that it settles to your bank account. Once you launch, problems are difficult to fix without affecting your customers.
Offering convenient payment options to your customers is a good way to secure their loyalty and reduce your operational costs. A variety of payment methods are available, and various interfaces can be used depending upon needs of your customers and your business. When evaluating payment processing options start with your customers’ needs and document all of features that you wish to have in your payment solution. Take time to shop around, and make sure that service providers that you choose are ones that you will be happy with in long run.
About EasyPay123
EasyPay123 is a leading supplier of payment processing solutions to businesses across North America. Offering world-class solutions at affordable prices, EasyPay123 helps merchants simplify process of acquiring, launching and using payment applications to improve way they do business. Visit us at
For a description of some of e-commerce terms used in this article, please visit our online glossary at
© 2003 EasyPay123 All Rights Reserved. This article may not be copied, reprinted, published, translated, hosted, or otherwise distributed by any means without explicit written permission from EasyPay123.
Robert Levings is President of EasyPay123, a leading provider of online payment solutions to companies across North America.