Understanding Financial Statements When Approaching Lenders

Written by Jeff Schein

Continued from page 1

Equity (Tangible Net Worth) When I refer to equity, I really mean tangible net worth orrepparttar equity in a business less any intangible assets. Intangible assets can include (but are not limited to) goodwill, patents and sometimes prepaid expenses. Depending onrepparttar 103849 arrangement withrepparttar 103850 bank, shareholder loans may or may not be considered as part ofrepparttar 103851 equity base. A ratio of tangible net worth to total debt of 1:1 or better is a good goal to shoot for. Basically,repparttar 103852 bank wants to make sure thatrepparttar 103853 owner has also invested inrepparttar 103854 company, thatrepparttar 103855 company can support its present and future endeavors and that it hasrepparttar 103856 ability to withstand any unplanned declines in business.

Debt Having debt is not bad, but having too much debt is. Look at whatrepparttar 103857 make-up of your debt levels are and whatrepparttar 103858 debt has financed. Doesrepparttar 103859 maturity ofrepparttar 103860 debt properly reflectrepparttar 103861 related assets? Is there any term debt supporting working capital, or revolving debt supporting long-term assets? Ifrepparttar 103862 answer is yes then you should look at restructuringrepparttar 103863 debt to properly reflectrepparttar 103864 assets. Reviewrepparttar 103865 company’s debt in relation torepparttar 103866 company’s cash flow and assess its ability to meet debt obligations. Do you haverepparttar 103867 required credit available to meet seasonal borrowing requirements?

Inter-company assets/liabilities Keep in mind thatrepparttar 103868 bank will not lend off of inter-company receivables. Next, you should be able to answerrepparttar 103869 following questions: arerepparttar 103870 assets liquid and do they have value, canrepparttar 103871 related company meet its obligations, what arerepparttar 103872 terms of outstanding debt, is there any off-balance sheet debt or assets, can funds flow freely betweenrepparttar 103873 companies?

The Income Statement

The income statement provides information on a firm's operating activities over a specific period of time. In simple terms it is revenues less expenses. However, as is seen by allrepparttar 103874 accounting scandals recently, how those revenues and expenses are recorded can often be left open to interpretation and manipulation. A lender is well aware ofrepparttar 103875 manipulation that can occur and so will look atrepparttar 103876 income statement carefully. If there are any “gray” areasrepparttar 103877 lender will want clarification, so be prepared to be able to answer any questions asked of you. Or, have your accountant prepared to answer any questions.

As withrepparttar 103878 balance sheet, a lender will rely heavily on trends and key ratios and will want to knowrepparttar 103879 why of any significant movements in these ratios. Key areas they will focus on arerepparttar 103880 growth or decline in sales, net profit, gross margin and administrative expenses.

Important areas you should be aware of are:

• Are you expensing or capitalizing expenditures? • Are operating profits stable? • Are there areas of weakness? If yes, what action is management taking to work on these weak areas? • Are there any extraordinary losses of gains? • Are inter-company transactions having an impact on profits? • What transactions are being completed to minimize profit and tax?

The Cash Flow Statement

The cash flow statement is a summary of a company’s cash flow over a period of time. It is basically actual (i.e. not accrual) cash receipts less actual cash payments. A cash flow statement will have 3 parts to it: 1) cash from operations, 2) cash from investing activities and 3) cash from financing activities. The bank will be most concerned about cash from operations as this tells it whetherrepparttar 103881 company can generate sufficient cash from day to day business activities to repay loans. However, it is still important to be able to generate a cash surplus after all activities – i.e. operations, investing and financing. The quality, consistency and sustainability of cash flow is key.

Important areas you should be aware of are:

• Changes in working capital – movements in accounts receivable and payable and inventory, especially for a growing company, can mean a company is a net user of cash. This may indicate liquidity problems. • Look at ratios such as sales to cash from operations and interest and principal payments to cash from operations. Negative trends can indicate lack of controls, inefficiencies or bad investment decisions. • Look at factors that may impact total cash flow (cash from all activities) such as dividend distributions and taxes. • Are there any extraordinary items affecting cash flow? • Are there any capital expenditures which may have a negative impact on total cash flow? • Examinerepparttar 103882 relationship betweenrepparttar 103883 change in sales andrepparttar 103884 change in cash flow. Are there any weak spots such as a declining gross margin? What action is management taking?

As you can see that there is a lot of information that needs to be assessed. That is why it can take a few days to get back with lending decisions, particularly ifrepparttar 103885 statements are complicated. The goal is to provide you with a basic understanding of what is being looked at so you can be prepared when approaching your lender. As always,repparttar 103886 more prepared you are,repparttar 103887 better chance of success you have.

Jeff Schein is a CGA and offers consulting and advice in the areas of business planning, strategic planning, business analysis and financial management for new ventures and growing small businesses. Send mail to:jeff@companyworkshop.com

Why PR is an Engine for Economic Growth

Written by Robert A. Kelly

Continued from page 1

The job now is to selectrepparttar specific perception to be altered which then becomes your public relations goal. You obviously want to correct those untruths, inaccuracies, misconceptions or false assumptions.

One ofrepparttar 103848 painful aspects ofrepparttar 103849 whole drill is that a PR goal without a strategy to show you how to get there, is like a three-bean salad withoutrepparttar 103850 beans. So, as you select one of three strategies (especially constructed to create perception or opinion where there may be none, or change or reinforce it,) what you want to do is insure thatrepparttar 103851 goal and its strategy match each other. You wouldn’t want to select “change existing perception” when current perception is just right suggesting that “reinforce” strategy.

The moment has come when you must create a compelling message carefully constructed to alter your key target audience’s perception, as specified by your public relations goal.

Keep in mind that you can always combine your corrective message with another news announcement or presentation which may give it more credibility by downplayingrepparttar 103852 apparent need for such a correction.

The content ofrepparttar 103853 message must be compelling and quite clear about what perception needs clarification or correction, and why. Of course you must be truthful and your position logically explained and believable if it is to holdrepparttar 103854 attention of members of that target audience, and actually move perception in your direction.

Some allude torepparttar 103855 communications tactics necessary to move your message torepparttar 103856 attention of that key external audience, as “beasts of burden” because they must carry your persuasive new thoughts torepparttar 103857 eyes and ears of those important outside people.

Actually, we have a wide choice becauserepparttar 103858 list of tactics is long indeed. It includes letters-to-the-editor, brochures, press releases and speeches. Or, you might choose radio and newspaper interviews, personal contacts, facility tours or customer briefings. There are scores available andrepparttar 103859 only selection requirement is thatrepparttar 103860 communications tactics you choose have a record of reaching people just likerepparttar 103861 members of your key target audience.

Of course, things can always be accelerated by adding more communications tactics, AND by increasing their frequencies.

It won’t be long before those around you will be asking about progress. But you will already be hard at work remonitoring perceptions among your target audience members to testrepparttar 103862 effectiveness of your communications tactics. Using questions similar to those used during your earlier monitoring session, you’ll now become beady-eyed looking for signs that audience perceptions are beginning to move in your general direction.

Yes, performed in this manner, public relations obviously does feedrepparttar 103863 engine of YOUR economic growth and, thus, that ofrepparttar 103864 nation at large.

But do keep your eye onrepparttar 103865 core of this approach: persuade your most important outside audiences withrepparttar 103866 greatest impacts on your organization to your way of thinking. Then move them to take actions that help your department, division or subsidiary prevail.


Bob Kelly counsels, writes and speaks to managers about using the fundamental premise of public relations to achieve their operating objectives. He has been DPR, Pepsi-Cola Co.; AGM-PR, Texaco Inc.; VP-PR, Olin Corp.; VP-PR, Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co.; director of communications, U.S. Department of the Interior, and deputy assistant press secretary, The White House. mailto:bobkelly@TNI.net Visit:http://www.prcommentary.com

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