Understanding Ezine Publishing!

Written by Jon Kogan

Continued from page 1

One ofrepparttar most popular types of "ezine" content isrepparttar 116517 "article". "Articles" might be ofrepparttar 116518 news, how-to, entertaining, or other variety. As an example, since I am in home business, my article content is focused on marketing ideas, useful business building resources, time saving tools, website development and training.

It is highly recommended that you produce at least some ofrepparttar 116519 content yourself. As a publisher, you are inrepparttar 116520 unique position to be able to create your "ezine" unique "personality". Your subscribers will learn to identify it over time and may come to appreciate your "ezine" for precisely that reason. Other popular sources of content include staff or freelance writers, syndicated content, or reprints of articles from other "ezine" publishers.

Onrepparttar 116521 other hand, if all of your content is un-original and your "ezine" offers nothing unique to your subscribers, they will not have much of incentive to read each issue or stay subscribed.

Aboutrepparttar 116522 author: -------------------------------------------------------------- Jon Kogan is Founder of ZivoMarketing and Editor of Home Business Breakthroughs Ezine! mailto: subscribe@zivomarketing.com

Would you like to make money online, but don't know where to start?...You are not alone and this could be just a solution for you: http://www.zivomarketing.com/mega.html -----------------------------------------------------------

Jon Kogan was born, raised and educated in Ukraine. Arriving to the USA in 1975 has been able to focus on the area of his expertise in marketing, sales and management in the corporate world. In 2002, Jon has made a decision to apply real world marketing concepts to the Internet. His goals are to provide training, education and to show that it’s simple and easy to join the ranks of success-minded people by choosing to start a home business.

Why Should I Freelance

Written by Debbi Cunnington

Continued from page 1

You haverepparttar joy of being your own boss. If you are highly motivated, freelance-ing is for you.

Commuting to and from work is no longer an issue. This in turn cuts down on fuel usage, traffic jams and incidents of road rage.

Finally, if you want to work in your sweats, you can. Some business people might protest that being overly casual lowers productivity. I believe that when a person is comfortable, productivity increases. Perhaps I should check into research being completed in this area.

While being a freelance professional may not become your sole source of income, it is a viable opportunity that is growing. I currently work as a freelance web designer and I used to regularly visit my favorite freelance sites and bid on projects. I'm at a point in my career where that is no longer necessary and I have plenty of work. But I still get a sense of accomplishment from successfully bidding on a project and completingrepparttar 116516 work to my customer's satisfaction.

I am an independent freelance professional!

Debbi Cunnington is a freelance web design professional, and owner of Cimmeron Studios, LLC, who has successfully worked out of her home office for the last 4 years. Visit Debbi's website here http://www.cimmeronstudios.com

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