Understanding Affiliate Programs

Written by S. Housley

Continued from page 1

Commonly traffic to merchant sites is measured and affiliates can clearly see conversion rates. Meaning, they trackrepparttar percentage of people they are referring, and how much of it results in earned revenue. Ifrepparttar 102303 affiliate finds a very low conversion, they will find a better way to monetize that traffic, quite possibly with a competing merchant product.

In order to be a successful affiliate,repparttar 102304 affiliate site needs to either have tons of traffic or target a specific audience, frequently one untapped byrepparttar 102305 merchant. It has been my experience,repparttar 102306 closerrepparttar 102307 affiliate site content resemblesrepparttar 102308 merchant products,repparttar 102309 higherrepparttar 102310 likelihood of a good conversion rate.

Once you are committed torepparttar 102311 idea of affiliates,repparttar 102312 next step is to determinerepparttar 102313 kind of tracking system you are going to use. Sales can be tracked by HTML code, which is placed in a shopping cart or onrepparttar 102314 'order confirmation'/'thank you' page, and cookies, which are created afterrepparttar 102315 customers click on a banner ad. Cookie killers have been a problem forrepparttar 102316 affiliate industry. Software vendors have an advantage over other merchants in that new technologies allow software developers to better control compensation. Vendors can 'wrap' their software insuring that their affiliates are compensated for referrals, even ifrepparttar 102317 customer downloads a trial version prior to purchasing. Buy now buttons inrepparttar 102318 software have affiliate ids imbedded inrepparttar 102319 download. Combined tracking systems have more success than those that rely on a single tracking technology.

In order to develop a successful affiliate network, merchants must realize that affiliates spend ad dollars on site, and product promotion. Ifrepparttar 102320 affiliate is not compensated fairly they will not remain inrepparttar 102321 merchants network. The bottom line is that affiliate relationships are partnerships, when both sides feelrepparttar 102322 situation is fair and equitablerepparttar 102323 relationship will be a success.

About the Author: Sharon Housley manages marketing for NotePage, Inc. http://www.notepage.net a company specializing in alphanumeric paging, SMS and wireless messaging software solutions. Other sites by Sharon can be found at http://www.feedforall.com , http://www.softwaremarketingresource.com and http://www.small-business-software.net

Generate More Sales in ANY Affiliate Program – Part One

Written by Gillian Tarawhiti

Continued from page 1

To know your product you need to USE IT, and know EVERYTHING there is to know about it. It’s like going to watch a movie that you really, really enjoyed, you get this scene of excitement to share your great experience with others, well … you need to get that same excitement about your product that only comes about by KNOWING YOUR PRODUCT.

Strategy Two

The Golden Question for all affiliates is ‘How can I create an advantage for me?’

The Answer: Incentive Marketing

If you have never heard of Incentive Marketing, you are sure to have been a victim of it in your every day life.

Think about it… have you ever Up sized your meal at McDonald’s, have you ever brought anything because ofrepparttar Free Gift or Discount.

Incentive Marketing, Incentive Marketing, Incentive Marketing…

It doesn’t matter that there are potentially thousands of other affiliates promotingrepparttar 102302 same program because from today onwards you are going to create an unfair advantage. Start thinking about what you could possibly use to create an unfair advantage and in PART TWO, I will give yourepparttar 102303 strategies you would need to become an SUPER INCENTIVE MARKETER.

To Your Online Success!

About the Author Gillian Tarawhiti, is Founder and CEO of Community Training Centre, an Australian-based Internet Marketing firm that works with individuals and organisations © 2004

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