URL Where

Written by Scott Gears

Continued from page 1

* Advertising - It amazes me not only how much business spends on print advertising, but how many of them do not include their web address inrepparttar Ads. It's 'way' better than your phone number at 5:00 a.m. Saturday morning? You already pay to print everything, just be sure you're addingrepparttar 118863 line: www.we are real.com

Do you have all of those? Good job! Now try these...

You never know where your visitors (customers) could come from.

* Your Answering Machine message..."be sure to visit our website at www." Your "On Hold" message..."for additional savings, visit our website at www."

* Include your website business card with every bill you pay! You'll be surprised.

* On a Bus waiting bench. Just your URL, thousands of people keep seeing these every-single-day.

* Engraverepparttar 118864 bottoms of your gym shoes. This way, everywhere you walk inrepparttar 118865 mud or snow leaves your URL impression... C'mon, laugh with me!

* Clear window stickers - The greatest invention, removable, for car window, car door, trunk, etc. * License Plates or Frames - If legal, make your "other plate" an Ad for your website!

* Bumper Stickers - Don't laugh, - you can make them classy, and they're inexpensive to boot! Use for cars, sponsorships, tradeshows, mail one with every order, etc.

Best of Luck in your Business Promotions!

http://www.hyperformancemedia.com ss@hyperformancemedia.com

Scott is the Founder and Sr. Project Manager for Hyperformance Media.com, a Technology Marketing Company serving online businesses since 1996. His 23+ years of experience in the computer industry will help you succeed. Their website offers free education & resources that will assist any business in successfully & ethically marketing their company online.

http://www.hyperformancemedia.com ss@hyperformancemedia.com

Are You An Internet Daredevil?

Written by Timothy Ward

Continued from page 1

The point is that sometimes we have to be an Internet Daredevil. Sometimes we have to realize that we may have less money, less time, and less experience than others in cyberspace. But this shouldn't stop us from still realizing our dreams. Sometimes we have to throw all caution torepparttar side and just do it. Launch that new website you've been wanting to launch even if you don't haverepparttar 118862 money to give it a #1 listing in Overture orrepparttar 118863 HTML skills required to get it listed high in Yahoo. Start publishing that ezine you've been wanting to publish even if you don't think you have enough knowledge or experience. Take some ofrepparttar 118864 little bit of free time that you do have and start writing ezine articles or e-books. Don't let doubts hold you back. Takerepparttar 118865 risk.

The Daredevil lost his sight but he learned to take advantage of his other senses. This gave him an advantage over people who had all their senses. Similarly, just because some of our ideas may have failed, or we lack certain skills, doesn't mean we can't userepparttar 118866 skills we do have, or other plans and ideas we have , to be successful. Unique ideas always do well on repparttar 118867 Internet. A different prospective on an old program can bring new customers. So takerepparttar 118868 risk, and use your uniquesness.

In conclusion, don't ever allow yourself to think that previous failures or lack of certain abilities or assets makes you an Internet Cripple. And even if you are disadvantaged in certain areas, take advantage ofrepparttar 118869 areas where you excel. Be yourself and don't be afraid to take chancess. Don't let fear keep you from realizing your full potential. Dare yourself to be successful and keep working at it until you are. Don't be afraid to be an Internet Daredevil-even if you don't look as good as Ben Affleck in red leather...

Timothy Ward is a webmaster and author. He has just launched a new ezine, The Ward Wide Webzine. For more info visit: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Ward_Wide_Webzine/

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