Written by Carol Woods

Continued from page 1

2. Figure out what others have bought -----------------------------------------

You should also take a look at prior sales and see what products your customers often purchased together. This may give you some additional ideas and insight as to what add-ons go with what primary products. Update your table based on your review.

3. Develop new options (products, installation, maintenance plan) -----------------------------------------

Spend a little time thinking about additional options for add-on sales. Again, a great upsell product is less expensive thanrepparttar original purchase but is in some way related to it, and provides a fixed benefit for a fixed price.

Some options to consider: -Supplies which relate torepparttar 121532 original purchase (e.g. printer cartridges) -Maintenance or update agreement -Premium service - such as a special phone number to call with questions -Extra or printed copies of a report or e-book

4. Script your plan -----------------------------------------

You now have enough information to develop your upsell script. This is a simple as askingrepparttar 121533 buyer "would you like _ with that" atrepparttar 121534 time of purchase. I would also suggest you include some sort of reason to purchase. Here is an example "Would you like a set of 2 additional printer cartridges along with that? We can ship them to you withrepparttar 121535 printer so they'll be available whenever you need them."

Selectrepparttar 121536 products you will offer with a particular primary purchase by reviewing your product table. You will want to emphasize those items which relate torepparttar 121537 primary purchase and which haverepparttar 121538 highest return to you. (In fact, you may even consider raising prices ofrepparttar 121539 add-on products; there is often less price resistance atrepparttar 121540 point of sale).

Make it easy onrepparttar 121541 person talking torepparttar 121542 customer by having a separate sheet or separate section on a sheet for each primary product withrepparttar 121543 specific add-ons to offer.

You can also do this via a web site, by showing pictures ofrepparttar 121544 related products belowrepparttar 121545 primary product description or next to their selected items inrepparttar 121546 order summary or shopping cart.

You're now ready to go. Happy upselling!

(c) 2002 Carol Woods

Carol Woods is the editor of Work at Home Income, a weekly publication of Income Building Blocks. IBB offers free ideas, information and inspiration for moms who work at home - or want to! For lots of free ideas to help you find a work at home job or start a home based business, visit us at and sign up for Work at Home Income!

You May Be Marketing Your Company Right Out of Business!

Written by Stacey Hall and Jan Brogniez

Continued from page 1

Imagine a lighthouse standing strong and erect onrepparttar rocky shores of a beautiful ocean. On this particular day,repparttar 121531 water is calm,repparttar 121532 sky is blue, and there are many boats out to sea. Yet, out inrepparttar 121533 distance, there is a storm cloud forming onrepparttar 121534 horizon. It is coming closer to shore very quickly. The sky is getting darker,repparttar 121535 waves are getting rougher, and many ofrepparttar 121536 boats are being tossed about onrepparttar 121537 water. Asrepparttar 121538 rains andrepparttar 121539 winds pick up strength, so doesrepparttar 121540 power ofrepparttar 121541 beam of light emanating fromrepparttar 121542 lighthouse. Some ofrepparttar 121543 boats, anxious to move quickly to a quiet and protective harbor, are relying on this beam of light to guide them safely torepparttar 121544 spot. The darkerrepparttar 121545 skies become,repparttar 121546 brighterrepparttar 121547 light shines. Notice that not all ofrepparttar 121548 boats are in need of this beam of light to guide them to safety. Some have more confident captains and crew, while other boats have equipment that can handlerepparttar 121549 storm effectively. Now, imagine thatrepparttar 121550 lighthouse gets upset because some ofrepparttar 121551 boats are choosing not to come to its harbor. Because it wants to protect and serve all ofrepparttar 121552 boats inrepparttar 121553 sea, it sprouts arms and legs and begins running up and downrepparttar 121554 beach, waving its arms, doing its best to catchrepparttar 121555 attention of allrepparttar 121556 boats. What would berepparttar 121557 result? Most likely,repparttar 121558 boats that were depending onrepparttar 121559 light to guide them would by now have been destroyed inrepparttar 121560 chaos and confusion caused byrepparttar 121561 light moving up and downrepparttar 121562 beach Other boats, led by their curiosity, may come closer to shore to get a better look atrepparttar 121563 spectacle of a lighthouse running up and downrepparttar 121564 shore, and then head back out to deeper waters. While others would be perfectly content to stay where they are...out at sea. The end result, very few boats are served safely and securely.

The test lies in asking yourself what percentage of time is your companyrepparttar 121565 lighthouse standing securely onrepparttar 121566 shore attractingrepparttar 121567 boats (customers) withrepparttar 121568 power of its light and how often is it running up and downrepparttar 121569 beach looking for boats (customers) to serve?


Take a moment to recall one of your most perfect customers -- someone with whom you most enjoy working. The customer you describe as perfect is most likelyrepparttar 121570 one who respects and values your time, trusts your company to have his or her best interests at heart, comes to your site with realistic expectations, happily pays what your product or service is worth, and refers your business to their friends and family. Perfect customers make you feel needed, appreciated, respected, and understood. Even more, they reconnect you withrepparttar 121571 passion and purpose that puts joy in your work. And, when you think about it, these perfect customers often find your site easily; there was an immediate spark of attraction and connection with this client as if synchronicity brought you together atrepparttar 121572 perfect time and place.

The key to ensuring that your company is only attractingrepparttar 121573 most perfect customers lies inrepparttar 121574 asking of four simple questions which comprise a Strategic Attraction Plan:

1. What Arerepparttar 121575 Qualities of My Most Perfect Customers?

2. What Makes My Perfect Customers Tick?

3. What Do I Want My Perfect Customers To Expect Of My Web site?

4. What Do I Have To Improve?

The daily review for just five minutes of these four questions is what will keep you connected to your company's mission and purpose. It's this connection which powersrepparttar 121576 light of your message and draws customers who are a perfect fit for that message right to your shore.

Proponents ofrepparttar 121577 Strategic Attraction Planning Process are growing in numbers quickly. As Robert Allen, author of Multiple Streams of Income,, reports "this is a simple and effective method for bringing perfect customers right to your doors and web sites."

Copyright 2001, PerfectCustomers Unlimited.

Hall and Brogniez are the catalysts for the new Strategic Attraction Planning Process. Through this paradigm-shifting methodology, hundreds of corporate executives, entrepreneurs, as well as sales and training teams, have been transformed into powerful magnets that quickly and easily attract the most perfect and profitable customers to their doors. Their book, "Attracting Perfect Customers...The Power of Strategic Synchronicity," is available at .

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