Two Types of Spirituality ... Faith and Knowledge

Written by Edward B. Toupin

Continued from page 1

--- Opening Your Mind ---

As part of our being, we all haverepparttar need to believe in something greater than ourselves. There is a part of us that "has to belong." Many people fall deeply into organized religion because it providesrepparttar 122311 camaraderie and a focal point for their community as well as a basis forrepparttar 122312 moral code ofrepparttar 122313 community. These, in addition torepparttar 122314 faith-based answers torepparttar 122315 "big questions", provide a comfort zone and a foundation for many. However, by opening one's mind and examiningrepparttar 122316 many facets behind these "big questions", one can develop and acquirerepparttar 122317 true answers within one's own context.

What isrepparttar 122318 key? Context-free rationalization. Of course, "context-free" is a little strong as we must all have a context, or a point of reference, that we can use to compare information and apply our rules and belief systems. However, open experience and vast knowledge can provide us with multiple contexts that we can use to devise a wider view of a particular piece of information. This wider view is what is called an "open mind". The open mind has no safety zone as it is always risking it's "comfort zones" in search of new information and new ways of examining situations and other beings.

--- What's next? ---

Acquiring this knowledge and ability to move across many contexts is not a simple task as it requiresrepparttar 122319 ability to acquire, accept, and process information outside of our current context. It is a "chicken orrepparttar 122320 egg" situation; however, it is a decision that we make as humans to initiate such a move.

By opening our minds and perceptions, we allow our conscious mindsrepparttar 122321 ability to communicate more freely with our subconscious minds. In doing so,repparttar 122322 vast amounts of information available inrepparttar 122323 collective unconscious, "The Grid", "The Universal Library" is available to us, simply by "looking." Considerrepparttar 122324 idea of openingrepparttar 122325 mind as a primer for what follows once you are able to use your mind to its fullest capabilities and acquire immeasurable knowledge from all entities acrossrepparttar 122326 Universe and throughout time.

This isrepparttar 122327 true meaning of spirituality. The knowledge and desire to exist with and withinrepparttar 122328 Universal essence. To accept and acquire knowledge that is freely available to you through time and space. Finally,repparttar 122329 knowledge to use this information in a way that is beneficial to you, as protecting and projecting yourself, you are providing a pathway for others andrepparttar 122330 betterment of your communities. --- Aboutrepparttar 122331 Author ---

Edward B. Toupin is an author, publisher, life-strategy coach, counselor, Reiki Master, technical writer, and PhD Candidate living in Las Vegas, NV. Among other things, he authors books, articles, and screenplays on topics ranging from career success through life organization and fulfillment. Check out some of his recent print and electronic books as well as his articles covering various life-changing topics!

For more information, and to find out about his upcoming title on book publishing, e-mail Edward at or visit his site at!

Copyright (c) 2004 Edward B. Toupin

Origin of Certain Thoughts (Part I)

Written by Isaac Nwokogba

Continued from page 1

They can and do intervene only when there is a need to modify certain experiences to make them bearable so that we can make it through life without failing completely to reach our goals.

If you think you have never received any help from your spirit guide,repparttar question is: Are you absolutely sure? Our guides, along with other cosmic forces, have infinite but often unobvious ways of delivering assistance, knowledge, and information to us.

For example, say you’ve spent time and effort planning a trip but because of a feeling of unease, or because something unexpectedly comes up that interferes with your plan, or for no reason that is apparent to you, you cancel it. Because you did not takerepparttar 122310 trip, it is easy to not even consider what might have happened had you taken it. It is quite possible that something was at work making surerepparttar 122311 trip never took place – for your own life and safety. That something could well be your spirit guide.

How about that sudden idea or surge of inspiration that led you torepparttar 122312 solution for a problem? Yes,repparttar 122313 idea or inspiration came to you, but where did it come from? As I stated earlier, cosmic forces, including your guide, have infinite ways of transmitting information.

A thought may have come to you, but it may have originated someplace else. Inrepparttar 122314 case of finding an answer to a problem, it is most likely that your guide transmitted some information that guided you to a solution. If you petitioned or prayed for help, your guide may have been consulted or asked to respond.

If you petitioned for help usingrepparttar 122315 techniques discussed in my book Seeds of Luck: The ABCs of Creating Your Heart’s Desires, your guide may have been one ofrepparttar 122316 recipients ofrepparttar 122317 petition since it was not directed to a particular entity or deity. Again, once our problems are solved, it is easy to takerepparttar 122318 solutions for granted and not think about their source.

Perhaps you remember a time you were distracted and pulled in a certain direction only to discover later that had you not been distracted and led away, you would have been exposed to danger.

Continued in "Origin of Certain Thoughts," Part II

A lifelong student of Christianity, spirituality, metaphysical traditions, and traditional African religions, Isaac Nwokogba has written three books and published many articles on various aspects of spirituality. Seeds of Luck focuses on the cosmic law of manifestation and America, Here I Come examines the law of compensation. His latest book is "Voices from Beyond: The God Force, the Other Side, and You"

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