Two Types of Executive Summaries

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Continued from page 1

In addition, a stand-alone Executive Summary should include summaries of each essential elements ofrepparttar business plan. This includes paragraphs addressing each ofrepparttar 103295 following:

•Customer Analysis: What specific customer segmentsrepparttar 103296 company is targeting and their demographic profiles •Competition: Whorepparttar 103297 company’s direct competitors are andrepparttar 103298 company’s key competitive advantages •Marketing Plan: Howrepparttar 103299 company will effectively penetrate its target market •Financial Plan: A summary ofrepparttar 103300 financial projections ofrepparttar 103301 company •Management Team: Biographies of key management team and Board members

The Executive Summary isrepparttar 103302 most critical element ofrepparttar 103303 business plan. If it does not grabrepparttar 103304 investor’s attention,repparttar 103305 investor will neither read nor requestrepparttar 103306 full business plan. As such, spend time developingrepparttar 103307 best possible summary, create two versions (e.g., stand-alone and full plan predecessor) as appropriate, and work to get it inrepparttar 103308 hands ofrepparttar 103309 right investors.

As President of Growthink, Dave Lavinsky has helped the company become one of the premier business plan development firms. Since its inception, Growthink has developed over 200 business plans. Growthink clients have collectively raised over $750 million in financing, launched numerous new product and service lines and gained competitive advantage and market share. For more information please visit

5 Simple Steps To Internet Business Success...

Written by By Munya Chinongoza

Continued from page 1

- Create your own product or service - Or you can buy rights to a very good product.

3) Learn how to get "good quality traffic". -------------------------------------------

No traffic = No sales. You need to learn strategies & techniques to drive t.argeted free traffic to your site.

- I recommend - - 14 top internet marketers show you how to do this.

4) Create a backend system, to sell to your customers -----------------------------------------------------

Your customers, already have trust in you. It is much easier to get them to buy from you again and again.

- Always give them a special discount, - keep them happy they usually keep buying.

5) Build strong relationships with other Netpreneurs ----------------------------------------------------

Especially those that have made it it big "the gurus", in your particular "niche". They can help you succeed.

- Get on their lists, reply to their comments & suggestions & very soon they will start to recognize your email when it pops up in their inboxes.

There it is, you are welcome to adopt my paln for yourself. I like simplicity, so I hope this is simple enough for you.

Don't wait any longer, plan your steps to success today and really get started on achieving your ultimate dream.

I WILL SEE YOU AT THE TOP!!! - Exactely Where you belong...

Munya Chinongoza is the author of "Guru Traffic Secrets Vol.1" He recently interviewed 14 top internet marketers "gurus" and asked them to reveal how they drive unlimited targeted traffic to their websites everyday, usually with little or no effort at all on their part:

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