Two Fairy Tales Reveal the Secret of Life

Written by Tom Horn

Continued from page 1
Now Goldilocks is a loner. She has no teachers or mother to infect her with one-sided ideas of right and wrong and ‘imperfect knowledge’ ofrepparttar world. Goldie does not wear a ‘Red Hood’, but instead her golden curls are emphasized – a symbol of her independent spirit. Her view of life does not lead to over-the-top responses and so, for her,repparttar 131437 road does not turn ‘crooked’. She is onrepparttar 131438 ‘straight way’ through life and therefore does not meetrepparttar 131439 wolf and is not tempted into further one-sidedness. So, at any given moment, even though she is inrepparttar 131440 ‘forest’ of living trends, Goldie is not available to any of them. When she is inrepparttar 131441 cottage ofrepparttar 131442 three bears, she does have ‘imperfect knowledge’ ofrepparttar 131443 danger she is in, but is saved by her own acts of ‘power’. She tries allrepparttar 131444 chairs and allrepparttar 131445 bowls of porridge and allrepparttar 131446 beds to find what is ‘just right’ for her. By exercising a sober choice or personal preference, she ‘tapsrepparttar 131447 world lightly’ and never goes beyond what is ‘just enough’. Therefore whenrepparttar 131448 bears return she hasrepparttar 131449 ‘power’ or ‘luck’ to escape. In contrast, Red Riding Hood was gripped by a second-hand desire to do good works and she indulged it torepparttar 131450 full. She was a driven person who committed no acts of ‘power’. Therefore, she was eaten. So you can see that life is not best served by learning right from wrong. Those things take care of themselves when life becomes a practical matter of uncommon knowledge and ‘power’. When it comes torepparttar 131451 crunch in life, you succeed or fail, live or die, depending on how much ‘power you have inrepparttar 131452 bank’. How much do you have? How much ‘treasure in heaven’ have you accrued through your own acts of ‘power’? Or is your imperfect knowledge ofrepparttar 131453 world and one-sided responses making you available to living trends? Is a ‘wolf’ stalking you and, through cross infection of your world-view, is he pursuing any of your loved ones right now? This would be a wolf, not in ‘sheep’s clothing’, but in ‘granny’s clothes’. You’ll know he’s got to you when you find yourself thinking those self-righteous, judgematic thoughts about right and wrong that have been passed downrepparttar 131454 generations like a virus and which always propel you beyond what is just enough. If this wolf in ‘granny’s clothes’ is on your trail, he will tempt all of you in turn and then steal your most valuable possession, which is your ‘power’ to generate nice surprises.

For information on a Strategy for Getting Nice Surprises visit Tom Horn's website at:

Virus of the Mind

Written by Tom Horn

Continued from page 1
You see, for each of us there is no inner Self - at least not in our everyday space ime existence. At any given moment, our sense of identity is an illusion. We cannot know who we are for sure, so it is pointless trying to 'find ourselves'. This is because beneathrepparttar mind viruses, which furnish us with an imperfect knowledge ofrepparttar 131435 world and of ourselves, there is onlyrepparttar 131436 ever-changing mystery of pure awareness and intent. The latter are magical emergent qualities that, inrepparttar 131437 course of a life, get paralyzed or channeled into one-sidedness by mind viruses. The great mystics think that it is not practical for us to go on educating ourselves, adding yet more ‘bricks torepparttar 131438 wall’ of our ordinary knowledge,repparttar 131439 better to solve our problems. They know that this only fortifiesrepparttar 131440 mind viruses and these in turn, generate solutions that, inrepparttar 131441 long run, become new problems. In his or her blindness,repparttar 131442 average person callsrepparttar 131443 spectacle of solutions becoming new problems 'the march of civilization' or simply 'progress'. But real seers spotrepparttar 131444 joke and call it what it truly is - an ongoing madness whereby ideal conditions are maintained forrepparttar 131445 replication of genes and mind viruses. Open your eyes and check these things out in your own life andrepparttar 131446 world around. Would it not be better to adopt methods to unlearn what we know in order to loosenrepparttar 131447 grip of our mind viruses and to reinstate our original purified awareness and intent? Instead of reacting to problematical circumstances and coming up with solutions that become new problems, we might then be better placed to createrepparttar 131448 world of our choice. We cannot do without knowledge of some sort, but that which we need is uncommon. It isn’t solely logical or deterministic understanding or yet another mind virus. Rather it has to incorporate a description of reality that engenders faith in a Strategy For Getting Nice Surprises.

For information on a Strategy for Getting Nice Surprises visit Tom Horn's website at:

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