Twenty-three Percent of African Americans Live in Poverty

Written by Drachir Semaj

Continued from page 1

Some encouraging news did come fromrepparttar Commerce Department's report.

About fifty-two percent of African American married couples had an income of at least $50,000, twenty-seven percent had incomes of $75,000 or more, and according to a report byrepparttar 125487 Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 259, 000 African American households had incomes above $100,000.

African Americans currently make up almost thirteen percent ofrepparttar 125488 US population and over ten percent ofrepparttar 125489 workforce.

Drachir Semaj

Drachir is a freelance writer who writes articles for the African American Internet audience. Contact Drachir at

Interview skills - Going for a Job

Written by Jo Ellen Grzyb

Continued from page 1

They want to know their search is over, so forrepparttar length ofrepparttar 125486 interview,repparttar 125487 job is yours. You need to makerepparttar 125488 most of it.

Having said that, first impressions are incredibly important. Be yourself right fromrepparttar 125489 start, turning uprepparttar 125490 volume on those bits of you that most matchrepparttar 125491 job; turning downrepparttar 125492 volume onrepparttar 125493 bits that don't. However, never ever shutrepparttar 125494 volume off entirely, as you will then be pretending to be someone you're not – a sure recipe for disaster.

Not a good idea to lie! You can be judicious withrepparttar 125495 truth, but lies have a tendency to return and bite you inrepparttar 125496 bum! Even if they don't know you've lied, you will be giving out signals that are a give-away that something is wrong.

Being put onrepparttar 125497 spot can feel very uncomfortable, and it's easy to fall into a defensive posture. If you're not sure ofrepparttar 125498 answer or feel boxed into a corner it's all right to buy time – including saying 'I need some time to think about that.'

No matter how nervous you are, you do need to look afterrepparttar 125499 people interviewing you. Show that you know how to communicate and relate to people: ask surprising questions.

Have a stockpile of anecdotes of past triumphs (and even a few disasters, as long as their funny or humorous side is apparent). This is not just a list of what you can do, but some personal examples that paintrepparttar 125500 whole picture.

Phew! Got through that; anything else I can do?

Atrepparttar 125501 end of your interview, if you haven't been advised, ask when they think they'll be making their decision. At least then you'll know how long you’ll have to wait before you hear.

Many places don't automatically let people know if they haven't gotrepparttar 125502 job; so one follow-up call is allowable. More than that and it can feel like badgering.

No matter how badly you thinkrepparttar 125503 interview went, if you wantrepparttar 125504 job, always send a follow-up letter. Since most of us think of clever things to say afterrepparttar 125505 fact, include one or two of those, referring to something specific fromrepparttar 125506 interview.

Use phrases such as:

1)'I've given a lot of thought to our interview and...' 2)'Something you mentioned got me thinking...' 3)'What you said about _______ really struck home...'

If you don't getrepparttar 125507 job and you're curious why not, phone up and get some feedback. It may help you forrepparttar 125508 next interview.

If you'd like more advice about career issues click here to look atrepparttar 125509 'Career Action' page on our web site

Or if you want to speak to a real person give us a call on 020 7226 1877

Happy job hunting!

Read other articles to do with interview skills and career development inrepparttar 125510 personal section ofrepparttar 125511 Factory Gate @

If you are interested in talking to us further about our work on interview skills and going for a job, please phone 020 7226 1877 or e-mail:

Jo Ellen Grzyb is a Founding Partner of Impact Factory, a training and personal development company specialising in making work a better place to be.

She spent 20 years in the arts, entertainment and corporate sectors in development work on both sides of the Atlantic, before setting up Impact Factory with Robin Chandler in 1991.

She is a counsellor/psychotherapist, broadcaster and writer. Her book, The Nice Factor Book, was published in 1997.

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