Twelve ways to avoid asthma while loving your pet.

Written by David Kane

Continued from page 1

6. If your home uses forced-air heating seal uprepparttar air ducts and use portable room heaters instead. This will preventrepparttar 139325 allergen enteringrepparttar 139326 pet-free rooms.

7. Do not use fans or fan heaters. These will blow allergens that settle on carpets and furniture up intorepparttar 139327 air. Research has shown that some pet allergens can take up to six hours to settle once they are disturbed.

8. When you cleanrepparttar 139328 house use an anti-allergy vacuum cleaner that filters and keeps allergens. If you need to purchase one check thatrepparttar 139329 vacuum cleaner can filter outrepparttar 139330 allergens.

9. Frequently wash dogs with lukewarm water and shampoo. Ideally get a non-asthmatic to do this. For cats gently wiperepparttar 139331 fur with a damp cloth or use a shower. Unfortunately, while these methods will take a lot of allergen offrepparttar 139332 cat they will not remove all of it. Some research has found that totally immersingrepparttar 139333 cat in water will remove most allergens, so you could try that if you don’t mind allrepparttar 139334 scratches it will probably earn you!

10. A non-asthma sufferer should also brushrepparttar 139335 pet regularly outsiderepparttar 139336 house.

11. Clean out pet cages and litter boxes outsiderepparttar 139337 home. If possible get a non-asthmatic to do this job too.

12. If your pet is a tomcat get him neutered. The male ofrepparttar 139338 species produces most allergen, butrepparttar 139339 amount declines after neutering. Cats vary greatly inrepparttar 139340 amount of allergen they produce. If you have more than one, keep each cat inrepparttar 139341 house for a while to find out which one is least allergenic.

If your asthma is severe and triggered by pet allergensrepparttar 139342 best advice is to find a new home forrepparttar 139343 animal. However if your asthma is fairly mild and you cannot bear to be parted from this member of your family, try some ofrepparttar 139344 above measures and you may be able to avoid asthma while loving your pet.

David Kane is the author of ‘101 Top Tips for Asthma Relief’ and has produced a number of resources to help asthma sufferers monitor and control their condition. Find these at

The Importance Of Vitamins To Your Body

Written by Charlene J. Nuble

Continued from page 1

The key components you must look for in a supplement arerepparttar vitamins B6, B12, D, E and folic acid. Aside from being dietary supplements, these so-called B vitamins have been known to help combat certain types of cancer and heart ailments. While there remains no hard-lined link between cancer and a daily intake of B vitamins, studies that suggest their preventive powers have helped raiserepparttar 139246 importance of daily doses of vitamins and minerals into our system.

Standard RDA-level vitamins can easily be bought overrepparttar 139247 counter at a reasonable price. Yes,repparttar 139248 old belief that a proper diet is enough to keep you going has become a myth. It is time to invest in our health. Whether we admit it or not, we need vitamins. Sure, it does lead to added costs; but when we really think about it, vitamins are probablyrepparttar 139249 cheapest type of insurance readily available inrepparttar 139250 market right now. Who are we to say no?

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Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about vitamins and supplements, please go to: or for updated links and information on all health related topics, go to:

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