Twelve Principles For Success On The Internet

Written by Robert Taylor

Continued from page 1

9. Join news groups and discussion lists which fit into your niche. While blatant advertising is not normally permitted, most will allow you to use a signature file which is quite effective in advertising.

10. Develop a viral marketing strategy. Create a program, ebook, or something else that people would like to have. Include your links in it and give it freely torepparttar world. The better it is,repparttar 121665 more quickly it will spread acrossrepparttar 121666 internet, andrepparttar 121667 greater return on your investment in it.

11. Use autoresponders. Smart autoresponders can send a series of up to 20 follow-up messages to your prospective clients. You should follow up with your message at least seven times for it to reach maximum effectiveness.

12. Be persistent and consistent in all your efforts. Set up a schedule for advertising, web site maintenance, article writing and submission, ezine publication and allrepparttar 121668 other items stated above. Follow that schedule as closely as possible and be consistent and persistent in following it.

There is nothing new or earth shaking in any ofrepparttar 121669 above. These same principles have been promoted acrossrepparttar 121670 Internet for several years. Every Internet marketing program onrepparttar 121671 Internet specifies one or more of these principles as a foundation for success in this medium.

Incorporate all of these into your marketing efforts and watch your income steadily increase. Always remember that nothing has been developed or invented that cannot be improved. Set some time aside to consider those things now used for marketing and seeing how they can be changed to be more effective.

Robert Taylor Subscribe to the Key To Success And Wealth ezine and get motivational, inspirational, self-development and selected Internet marketing articles to help you achieve whatever you seek in life. Please include first name in body of email so your copies can be personalized. Subscribe by


Written by Stefan Everaet

Continued from page 1

Literally thousands of people venture out intorepparttar world of online business every week. These businesses come in many shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common: failure rates.

A whopping 90% of all would-be online money-makers never do make a profit. They invest their time, their creativity, and worst of all, their hard-earned money in business ventures and opportunities that never make them a single cent. Perhapsrepparttar 121664 most discouraging part about all this is that these people don't even know why they are failing.

Let me tell you a little-known secret that everyone needs to know. The reason why 90% of us aren't making any money, despite all our hard work, is that we just aren't cut out for marketing. It's not our fault, and it's not because we're not smart or don't work hard enough. You see, we've been told all along that ANYONE can succeed online, and then we expect that to be true. In reality, however, real marketers are a rare breed... a breed who possessesrepparttar 121665 gift of persuasion, snappy writing, and basically talking people out of their money. These people are few and far between, which is why successful salespeople are amongrepparttar 121666 highest paid on earth.

So, what can you do to become one of these rare specimens? Sadly, nothing. Can you learn to become a successful marketer? Probably not. Unless you naturally possessrepparttar 121667 "marketing gene," and haverepparttar 121668 best luck inrepparttar 121669 world, you probably won't find real success online as long as you're trying to dorepparttar 121670 marketing yourself.

Now, what I just said isrepparttar 121671 key: "as long as you're trying to dorepparttar 121672 marketing yourself." There are plenty of marketing experts out there, real gurus, who know what they're doing and THRIVE on it. Why not elicit their help?

If you think you can't afford to hire an expert, you're wrong. After all, if they're going to help you make money, you'll already be one step ahead of where you are. Many of them are looking to team up with people just like you, because they know they stand to make money if they help you out. They love what they do, and they need you just as much as you need them. Many have set up networks where they partner with you, automate your campaign, and simply take a commission of everyone else that signs up. It's simple, and it works.

Stefan Everaet Why not simplify things for yourself AND make a profit? For more information about automating YOUR marketing efforts, contact or see

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