Turn emails into dollars - with one word!

Written by Hani Banna

Continued from page 1

You also need to personalizerepparttar URL in your email copy:


You're simply adding a "?" followed byrepparttar 124931 personalization field (in this case ) torepparttar 124932 end of your URLs.

Can you see why I was so surprised that someone was selling this simple little script for $49!

Mind you, it's probably worth it givenrepparttar 124933 impact it has on your visitors.

You can also use this technique to impress potential partners. Imagine how special they will feel when they find out you've created a web page just for them!

This is what Harvey Segal from SuperTips.com had to say about a proposal I recently sent him:

"I do receive lots of offers, JVs, proposals, etc. This was one ofrepparttar 124934 best presented because ofrepparttar 124935 personalization, first ofrepparttar 124936 Url, then atrepparttar 124937 page itself with my name."

These are two possible applications of this technique. Can you think of any others?

I'd love to have you email me your own twist on this powerful idea!

To get more free Online Marketing tools visit Hani's web site: http://www.makingclicks.com/

--------------------------------------- Hani Banna hanibanna@makingclicks.com Award winning online marketing toolkit http://www.makingclicks.com/

Hani Banna hanibanna@makingclicks.com Award winning online marketing toolkit http://www.makingclicks.com/

Extra traffic right under your nose!

Written by Hani Banna

Continued from page 1

If your error page is being viewed a huge number of times..



No, you don't really have to panic. It doesn't necessarily mean that you have lots of broken links in your site. Web users are becoming more web savvy and will play around with repparttar url inrepparttar 124930 address box on their browser.

But you can take advantage of this. Check out my error page at MakingClicks.com.

Just click http://www.makingclicks.com/anything.html. This page doesn't actually exist. You will be forwarded to my default error page.

with our error page we've basically assumed that eitherrepparttar 124931 user is LOST or they can't FIND what they're looking for. In either case we've given them a way to get back torepparttar 124932 home page, contact us or find what they want elsewhere - at our affiliate partners web sites!


if you consider that your ERROR PAGE could berepparttar 124933 MOST VISITED PAGE on your site. You REALLY want to makerepparttar 124934 most of it.

Don't treat it as an embarrassment and try to forget it.

Here are some things you can do with your error page:

- put a link to your homepage

- put your web site search on this page

- put a contact us form or survey to ask people what they want from you site

- exchange error page links with other web masters withinrepparttar 124935 topic of your web site

- promote your affiliates: your visitors may have given up on finding what they want on your site anyway.

The possibilities are endless, it's almost like having a SECOND HOME PAGE!

Wishing you success.

Hani Banna Award winning Online Marketing Toolkit http://www.makingclicks.com/

Hani Banna Award winning Online Marketing Toolkit http://www.makingclicks.com/

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