Turn Your Auto-Responder Into An Auto-Moneymaker!

Written by Grady Smith

Continued from page 1

Try to make every benefit you detail a little different fromrepparttar one prior to it. If you’re selling tires, one message can go into detail about their durability. A second message would detail another benefit, this time maybe focusing onrepparttar 127382 safety record ofrepparttar 127383 tires.


Write an auto response message like you would a normal sales letter. Giverepparttar 127384 customer a call to action, like “Order Now”, and give them a link to click on.

Make your copy short and easy to skim. Most will be afraid to dive in to a long cluttered sales letter, so break your paragraphs up into smaller easy to digest pieces.

And don’t forget to make your copy benefit heavy. Everything should be about whatrepparttar 127385 reader’s going to get.


No sense letting good prospects get away from you.

I always offer different programs that targetrepparttar 127386 audience of my auto response messages. Your best bet is to sign up for some compatible affiliate programs and litter your sales letter with links and attention grabbing headlines.

Grady Smith will write your sales materials, articles, ads, and autoresponse messages at a price you can afford and with GUARANTED results! Go to http://www.mountainhighpub.com/copywriting.html for the 3 FREE secrets of money making sales letters. Learn how Grady turned a HUGE profit online in only five days! http://www.mountainhighpub.com

Three Ways To Close A Sale

Written by Kevin Nunley

Continued from page 1

3. Be ready to answerrepparttar objection it costs too much. Reducerepparttar 127381 price down to what it would costrepparttar 127382 customer byrepparttar 127383 day or per hour.

You can also point out most everything these days costs too much. Askrepparttar 127384 customer how much they think they should pay forrepparttar 127385 product or service. Once they answer you, their expectations will become more reasonable.

Finally, practice closing too soon. What feels like "too soon" is often just right.

Offer Kevin's popular FREE email courses from your site. Your visitors and customers will love it! See http://7LessonCourses.com Reach Kevin at mailto:kevin@drnunley.com or 801-328-9006.

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