Continued from page 1
The search for safe energy has brought
search for renewable energy to a standstill. Terrestrial energy sources are dangerous, whether we are talking about
merely overwhelming, like hydroelectric power, or other flammable, explosive or radioactive sources. Solar power is reasonably safe, but it is weak and unreliable as yet. Chemical sources are dangerous because of
kinetic energy locked up in
substances involved. You can't get away from that without changing
laws of physics.
Hydrogen is
most plentiful element in
entire universe. Combined with oxygen, it burns hot and clean and could provide us with energy for
life of
human race. It is also dangerous.
Because of our fear, because of our cowardice, we are still dependent on energy sources developed before we became so timid as a society. The largest deposits of those energy sources are located in a part of
world that calls America
"Great Satan." Our president is taking us to war as I write this for control of those resources, an evil and immoral war that cannot possibly have a happy ending for anyone.
If you still believe that we are going to war with Saddam Hussein because of weapons of mass destruction, please tell me why we are not preparing to attack North Korea, which has just admitted to nuclear weapons.
Cowardice carries its own penalties.
America needs to take a collective deep breath and get a grip. Life is hazardous to our health. No one gets out of it alive. No one. Perhaps we could begin by accepting that one simple fact, because it makes everything else so much easier.
Are you tired of ruinous taxes? Are you tired of government regulators with their fingers in every part of your life, from
cradle to
grave? Are you tired of being forced to pay into a Social Security system that your legislators systematically loot?
Are you tired of paying billions to fight a war against drugs that merely results in your loss of freedom – and makes street drugs more prevalent than ever?
Are you tired of vicious federal agents who manufacture evidence and burn women and children alive in their homes while blatantly violating
Second Amendment of
U.S. Constitution by trying to jail people for
heinous crime of owning
wrong sort of firearms?
What part of "shall not be infringed" is giving them trouble, anyway?
If you are tired of these things, if you truly want these things to go away, then you are eventually going to have to give up
so-called protections of government. You must learn self-sufficiency. You can't work to dismantle an overbearing government with one hand while your other hand is outstretched for what that government will give you.
You can start by purchasing a handgun and learning to use it. It's only a very small part of
process, but it's good for you psychologically to realize that you don't need help defending your life or your property any longer. You hold your head just a little bit higher. A man or a woman who cannot or will not defend immediate family is not worthy of
name "human." Even animals defend their young.
Take some chances! It may sound silly, but a skydiving course is not a bad idea. You will find out that life is fun when you aren't wrapped in cotton. You may find that you like your fellow skydivers better than most of
people you know. Life tastes very sweet when you take big bites. It needn't be skydiving. Try flying an airplane, scuba diving, or rock climbing – but find something you love to do, maybe something just a little bit risky, and do it. It is never too late to learn physical courage.
Learn to hunt! This is terribly difficult and painful for animal lovers like myself, but it is crucially important to any man or woman to know that they can provide their own food. Long range shooting has been an important skill for centuries. Only in
last hundred years has it fallen into disrepute. Learning to hunt is more than learning to shoot, though. You must also learn to field dress
carcass and prepare
meat for consumption. These are survival skills that every single one of your ancestors possessed. They would be appalled to learn that you do not.
If you do not want to be treated like a helpless infant by your government,
first step is to cease to be a helpless infant.
That is only
beginning, though. It will not be enough.
Government is a cancer. It feeds on itself. Those who possess power over your life will not give it up easily. When they learn that you are trying to free yourself from their grip, their jackbooted thugs will come for you.
They will come for all of us, and for our families.
The day is approaching when each of us will have to decide what we choose to defend with our lives. We must decide if we will accept slavery, or if we are willing, as our ancestors were, to pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor to secure our freedom.
The redcoats are coming!

At a tiny 5'1", Kathryn A. Graham is a licensed private investigator, pilot, aircraft mechanic and handgun instructor in Texas. Also a prolific author, she has written numerous articles, short stories and a science fiction novel.