True Love - Part 1Written by Adeyemi Adetosoye
Continued from page 1
Let’s analyze last bit of my discourse for instance. Twins born of same womb would hardly always see eye to eye over same issue. Husbands and wives, even after 50 years of marriage would still not see eye-to-eye on certain issues, yet they live together: happily, we hope. Hence, why wait for perfect person? Humans are basically emotional and whimsical creatures. We are not robots, cannot be programmed to do only same things. The only way we discipline ourselves is via several years of repetition, till we perform almost by rote. Therefore, we can never be perfect. Not in everything. You can never get another man just exact flavor, exact shade, exact build, exact manner of laughter, exact you name it. Even if he or she’s of pristine character, he may defer from his ways just because. Because what? Just because. BECAUSE WHAT? “CAUSE I FELT LIKE IT, OKAY?” Whimsical Creatures. It could have been anything. The room temperature, color of sky, his boss may have spoken rudely to him, he got drenched in rain, blah, blah, blah. Okay, so don’t look for perfection. That’s first general rule of finding true love. In further articles, I will expound further on Finding True Love. ************************************************************************ Knowledge is NOT power; it is only empowering….The Application of Knowledge IS power. ************************************************************************

Christopher Adeyemi Adetosoye is author of A Man’s Guide to Finding True Love and A Woman’s Guide to Finding True Love, E-books, which are currently available at
| | True Love - Part 2Written by Adeyemi Adetosoye
Continued from page 1
How then do you determine into what category he or she would fall. Persons in first category can be readily recognized by I-don’t-care attitudes and contempt for ‘despisee’, while other shows a sincere struggle within him or herself, to come to terms with what is going on. Since we can tell difference, next issue is addressing what issues are with this second person. This is valid, especially if one doesn’t want to get hurt in long run, or pine over what can never be. If issue is that such a one has trouble making decisions, then time is what will let him or her know what you are worth. It is a red flag however, a warning sign. If he has trouble making a decision and you are not only one in his life at that moment, then, even though he or she really likes you, perhaps, YOU ARE NOT ALL THAT HE EPITOMIZES THE ONE TO BE. Perhaps. On other hand, if he or she is being hindered by something else, more importantly, by someone else, that is another red flag. It could be that he or she is in a relationship and met you and can’t decide what to do since meeting you. Or it could be that he or she is struggling with something not yet confided to you. A dark secret, health issues, etc. Either way, you need to encourage openness and honesty, so that you are aware of what issues are. In this regard, depending on what issues are, time will tell in what direction relationship will swing. You will have to decide then what to do. Is he or she worth your getting hurt over? If so, prepare yourself for worst case scenario; otherwise, move on. Either way, hurt may be involved. This brings us to second general rule for finding true love. Prepare to exercise patience, for patience is a virtue; and remember that nothing good comes easy. I’ll expound further on Finding True Love, in my next article.

Christopher Adeyemi Adetosoye is author of A Man’s Guide to Finding True Love and A Woman’s Guide to Finding True Love, E-books, which are currently available at