Triple Your Web Leads With Email Auto-Capture

Written by Dave Czach

Continued from page 1

Follow-up email is required to sealrepparttar deal. It is widely known in marketing circlesrepparttar 109620 average person sees an ad 5-7 times before acting upon it. Your follow-up email would be more free reports relative to your website with a couple 5-line ads inrepparttar 109621 middle ofrepparttar 109622 report and atrepparttar 109623 end. As your visitor reads their useful information, they will view your ad.

There you have it. No more wasted advertising dollars. You can now have your very own automated marketing website on steroids.

Dave Czach is a 12-year ex-Mortgage Banker/Direct Marketer turned author/publisher. He can be reached at

Email Appending Erodes Privacy!

Written by Mike Banks Valentine

Continued from page 1

If even email marketing industry publications have strong words forrepparttar practice of email appending, what shouldrepparttar 109619 public think ofrepparttar 109620 meticulous gathering of personal information by marketers into vast databases of assembled information thatrepparttar 109621 public knows nothing about, gave no permission or consent to assemble that information, and would likely disapprove if they did knowrepparttar 109622 practice was going on behind their back.

May 20, 2002, a financial privacy bill was defeated a second time in California after banking and insurance industry lobbyists contributed $5 Million toward politicians who opposed (or refused to vote on) a bill denying themrepparttar 109623 right to trade and sell Californians private financial information. Governor Gray Davis received nearly $1 Million ($880,000) of that amount after agreeing to veto any financial privacy bill that crossed his desk.

Californians have some very strong privacy advocates inrepparttar 109624 California Senate, like Senator Jackie Speier, who introduced various versions of her financial privacy bill repeatedly, only to have banking and insurance industry lobbyists jump in to changerepparttar 109625 outcome.

Online business is contributing dramatically torepparttar 109626 erosion of privacy by assembling personal, private, sensitive information about each and every customer simply by seekingrepparttar 109627 email addresses of their customers when they didn't receive it fromrepparttar 109628 customer personally, but through email appending services. Those services may have only had a name and email address to match beforerepparttar 109629 online business unkowingly contributed allrepparttar 109630 data they held about their customers torepparttar 109631 email appending firm doingrepparttar 109632 research.

The automotive department at Sears offers up name address, phone number, car model, make and repair history to an email appending firm when they request customers email addresses from those appending firms. They getrepparttar 109633 email address, but have just contributed to further privacy erosion in order to send an email about their lube, oil and filter change special.

The appending firm deals with a bank, a computer superstore and a discount warehouse and now has information that was inaccessible to them before. I could be argued thatrepparttar 109634 businesses should be paid forrepparttar 109635 information they have given up to gainrepparttar 109636 email address. But they don't realize what they are doing in most cases. Even if they do understandrepparttar 109637 privacy invasion involved here, they are unlikely to care. They just wantrepparttar 109638 email address to spam, er, market to their customers!

I wonder how much they'd charge to remove my information from all those databases? I don't think I could afford to buy back my privacy once you add up allrepparttar 109639 money spent to violate it.

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