Tribute to Delores

Written by D. Gustafson

Continued from page 1

Begin with fine grit sandpaper, and gently buff your legs in a circular motion. If you’re lucky enough to have access to a belt sander, start on low and slowly work to a medium setting. Those pesky bumps will disappear in no time.

Winter clothes, and layering, can make us lazy, so practice holding in your stomach and tucking in your bottom, atrepparttar same time. Remember, our goal is to make shopping day a happy day, so suck in that tummy, and for good measure, tuck a fifty cent piece between your cheeks. If you practice holding it for only twenty minutes a day, why, in six months you’ll be able to crack walnuts with those little beauties.

One Week

A week beforerepparttar 118271 big day; shave, wax, or slather on your favorite depilatory. And no, not just on your legs. My dear, there is nothing more unattractive than appearing to have a Jimi Hendrix-like wig stuffed in your pants. It simply won’t do. Remember, we want to drawrepparttar 118272 eye to our best features.

Purchase a pair of polarized sunglasses. It’s a little known fact, but polarization cuts down onrepparttar 118273 demoralizing effect of dressing room florescent lighting.

Weather permitting; get some sun on your legs. A bit of color will work wonders on loose flabby skin. Or, you might try one ofrepparttar 118274 new sun-less tanning agents. Splurge, buy a name brand. By cutting corners with an off brand, your legs may truly resemble orange peel.

The Night Before

Pamper yourself with a pedicure. Yellow-y toenails and dried cuticles have spoiled more than one bathing suit shopping day. And don’t forget those crusty heels.

No under eye bags for you missy, get a good night’s rest. If possible, watch “Beach Blanket Bingo” as you drift off to sleep. It will put you inrepparttar 118275 mood, and remind you that real women jiggle.

The Big Day

Sneak out ofrepparttar 118276 house before anyone else is even awake. And for heaven’s sake, no matter whatrepparttar 118277 “experts” say, do not take a friend. A true friend will lie.

So my darlings, go forth, flaunt your newfound confidence and buy that swimsuit.

One last warning - Should you run into a twenty five year old, sunglass-less vixen, modeling a thong, retreat, but not before making eye contact.

Indicate, in that special, wordless way that women aroundrepparttar 118278 world recognize, that she looks fat.

“Sometimes, being a bitch is all a woman has to hang onto”. Kathy Bates in Delores Claiborne

Copyright 2003 D. Gustafson All Rights Reserved For more really swell aspects of mid-life, visit Mama's Secrets,

D. Gustafson is a mother, grandmother, daughter, ex-wife, artist, accountant, webmaster, and published writer.

Oh, and of course, we can’t leave out, “over achiever”. Give her a couple of years, and with any luck, maybe we can toss in crane operator and, who knows, possibly dictator of a small tropical island.

Pause o'Menses

Written by D. Gustafson

Continued from page 1

Increased or decreased libido

A Patek Philipe watch will increase your libido, and a bad hair day will decrease it. So what? You’ve faked it before, you still can. Incontinence

Try not to laugh too boisterously. Instead, adopt an enigmatic Mona Lisa smile, it will afford an aura of mystery, and keep your panties dry.

Increased flatulence

If you make a little mistake, simply look around forrepparttar offending individual. Please, of course it's not you.


For God’s sake, we’re waiting for an onslaught of anthrax, smallpox, andrepparttar 118270 creeping crud. Who isn’t depressed?

So, take heart, you’ll make it through. Have fun with it.

Play “connectrepparttar 118271 dots” with your age spots. If they form an exact replica of Abraham Lincoln, you may be able to get on The Letterman Show.

Pause o'Menses by D. Gustafson. Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. For more ofrepparttar 118272 really swell aspects of aging, visit Mama’s Secrets,

D. Gustafson is a mother, grandmother, daughter, ex-wife, artist, accountant, webmaster, and published writer.

Oh, and of course, we can’t leave out, “over achiever”. Give her a couple of years, and with any luck, maybe we can toss in crane operator and, who knows, possibly dictator of a small tropical island.

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