Trial and Error + Persistence = Successful Marketing

Written by Diane Hughes

Continued from page 1

What'srepparttar smart and profitable thing to do? Create a campaign and be persistent with it. Strategically search out and place multiple ad runs withrepparttar 120418 same ezines. (I use ezine advertising as my example, butrepparttar 120419 same applies to offline ads, banner ads, joint venture projects, affiliate campaigns, etc.) Yes, it costs more, but consider this... would you rather continue wasting money on small one-shot ads that never produce, or save your funds and run 3 sub sponsor or top sponsor ads that bring in sales? I thinkrepparttar 120420 answer is obvious.

People can't buy from you if they can't find you. Advertising (in one form or another) is a must.

Run a few ads on a trial basis. Ask for recommendations from business associates and select some new ezines to purchase ad space from. Change your headline or your copy to see if one pulls better thanrepparttar 120421 other.

It is only by trial and error that we learn and progress. Why? Because what works for one company, may not work for you. What works "so-so" for one company might work better for you! But in order to find out where your customers are and reach them, you have to stick your neck out once in awhile.

Will you make some mistakes alongrepparttar 120422 way? Yes. Will you "lose" a little money on advertising? Probably. Will you discover a new and successful way of advertising that brings in stronger results? Almost definitely!

Diane C. Hughes *

FREE Report: Amazingly Simple (Yet Super Powerful) Ways To Skyrocket Your Sales And Build Your Business Into A Tower of Profits! ==>>

Making Press Releases Work - Creating News Where None Existed

Written by Diane Hughes

Continued from page 1

If your product or service can somehow offer a solution (even a small one) to one of these two dilemmas, you stand a great chance of getting some publicity.

Perhaps you own a resume service that has an exceptional rate of success for one reason or another. Phrase your release so that it helps to solverepparttar unemployment crisis (and does not blatantly promote your business) and you'll perk up some journalist's ears.

--- Get In Line With Seasonal Events

The change in seasons always makesrepparttar 120417 news. In summertime, you'll find stories on safe vacation travel orrepparttar 120418 best airline deals. Atrepparttar 120419 end ofrepparttar 120420 year there is always coverage pertaining to New Year's Resolutions and how to keep them. Fall is generally a great time for gardening-type businesses to remind everyone to plant now so their yards will look fabulous come springtime.

If your company can offer some viable information pertaining to seasonal events, a press release might be in order. Writing a release outlining how your online travel agency always gives clients a "vacation safety" package that has proven to "saverepparttar 120421 day" inrepparttar 120422 past will bring out some interest inrepparttar 120423 local (and maybe national) media.

Above all, use your imagination. Pay attention torepparttar 120424 newspapers, television news and magazines you come in contact with. Noticerepparttar 120425 types of stories they cover and then write a release that falls in line. You will soon be able to create news where none previously existed and gain some free exposure for yourself inrepparttar 120426 process!

Diane C. Hughes *

FREE Report: Amazingly Simple (Yet Super Powerful) Ways To Skyrocket Your Sales And Build Your Business Into A Tower of Profits! ==>>

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