Treat Chickenpox with natural remedies, herbs and nutrients.

Written by Charles Silverman

Continued from page 1

We recommend

*Use Catnip tea sweetened with molasses. It reduces fever.

Make a tea with: 2 tbs. of queen ofrepparttar meadow. 1 tsp. of coltsfoot leaves. 2 tsp. of marigold flowers. 2 cups of boiling water. In a nonmetallic pot mix all ingredients let sit for 20 minutes. Take one cup a day.

Mix 2 tbs. marigold flowers. 1 tsp. witch hazel leaves. 1 cup of water. Let them sit over night. Apply on rash as needed it will relieverepparttar 115885 itch of chickenpox.

*Some very useful homeopathic remedies are: Antimonium crudum, antimonium tartaricum, Pulsatilla, sulphur, rhus tox.

*Some very powerful herbs are: St. John's wart, pau d'arco, ginger, burdock root, echinacea, and goldenseal.

*Drink lots of water to prevent dehydration. Also, drink fresh juices.

*Fillrepparttar 115886 bath tub with cool water and add ginger to it, take a 30 minute bath. This helps stoprepparttar 115887 itching.

Visitrepparttar 115888 web page at

Charles Silverman Owner and author of Home Made

Human Right to Affordable Prescription Prices

Written by Lynda Appell

Continued from page 1

Lavamisole, brand name Ergamisol costs approximately $10.00 for sheep. To fight reoccurance of colon cancer in humans, they have to spend $200.00 per month.

Prescription medications with exactlyrepparttar same ingredients, identical standards in Canada, Mexico, Europe are half what they are inrepparttar 115884 US. Note. I only know about these areas. If anyone can tell me about other continents please do so.

The National Cancer Institute spent $30,000,000 in developing, proving Taxol works on various cancers. It than gave it to "Squibb to finishrepparttar 115885 testing. In other wordsrepparttar 115886 company saved much in research expenses. They still charge at least $6000.00 per year per patient.

Even more expensive is Ceredase for Gaucher's disease. It's close to half a million per year. There are probably many other examples, but I don't want to make this editorial too long.

I will end with this quote fromrepparttar 115887 medical journal "Biological Psychiatry" "The overall influence ofrepparttar 115888 healthcare industry is to emphasize drug treatment atrepparttar 115889 expense of other modalities. ...It focuses attention on disorders that are treatable by drugs and may promote over-diagnosis. It reinforcesrepparttar 115890 practice of dealing with disease by treatment of symptoms and diverts interest from prevention." Authors J. Wortis, A. Stone"The addiction to drug companies" Biol. Psychiatry 32:847=9,1992. In other words emphasis on expensive drugs.

Bottom line. The US Government needs to step in and do something aboutrepparttar 115891 cruel, unfair, unreasonable prescription drug prices.

Disabled disability activist for over twelve years in various local Phila.PA disability rights organizations.

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