Travelling in Chennai

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Continued from page 1

Call taxis are abundant in chennai and are available throughoutrepparttar day

Article written by

Chris Director of a Web development Company

Author is the Director of a web development company called

Shooting High Definition Stock Footage in Italy

Written by Kathi Jacobs

Continued from page 1

extremely lucky in this regard, even on our two previous shooting trips to England.

So how does a videographer shoot aroundrepparttar tourists? If too many people are betweenrepparttar 149668 camera and subject or site being shot,

the whole effort can be an utter waste of time. And also, unfortunately,repparttar 149669 Italian polizia and carabinieri are quick to tell a

videographer or still photographer to fold up that tripod and move on!! They do NOT have any patience with a foreign professional

photographer, so common sense and a little stealth are requirements.

For tourist-filled sites, we have found that shooting inrepparttar 149670 very early morning works well for us. For one thing, Italy is a late-night

country, so there are few people (and that includes police) out onrepparttar 149671 streets at first light. Typically, we would get to a site by 7 AM

each morning, shoot for a few hours and then return torepparttar 149672 hotel for breakfast: then back out intorepparttar 149673 streets for more shooting.

The first part of our trip focused onrepparttar 149674 Amalfi Coast where we filmed, in addition to some incredibly beautiful stock footage, a virtual

walk throughrepparttar 149675 Valle di Mulino (the Valley ofrepparttar 149676 Mills) above Amalfi, another through Pompeii, a third onrepparttar 149677 Isle of Capri, from

Anacapri to Torre Damecuta, and yet another from Ravello to Atrani intorepparttar 149678 Piazza Umberto.

The last two weeks of this trip took us back to Rome, where our focus was HD stock footage and Renaissance art - Bernini

sculptures and Raphael paintings claimedrepparttar 149679 lion’s share of our time and attention. We spent much of our time filmingrepparttar 149680 Pantheon

(Raphael’s Tomb andrepparttar 149681 occulus);repparttar 149682 Church of Santa Maria de Popolo and its Chigi Chapel; Santa Maria della Vittoria with

Bernini’s “Ecstasy of St. Teresa”;repparttar 149683 Fountain ofrepparttar 149684 Four Rivers inrepparttar 149685 Piazza Navona; St. Peter’s Basilica and Square; and those

delightful Breezy Maniacs of Bernini’s alongrepparttar 149686 bridge torepparttar 149687 Castel Sant’Angelo.

We devoted a day filming a virtual walk inrepparttar 149688 medieval town of Viterbo (just 1.5 hours by train from Rome). An historical note about

Viterbo - had John Paul II or Benedict XVI been elected Pope inrepparttar 149689 13th century, it would have happened here rather than in Rome.

Now a well-preserved provincial village, but in its heyday, Viterbo was Rome’s greatest rival!

Rome was more crowded with tourists during this trip than we‘ve ever encountered. Much of that could be attributed to pilgrims

flocking torepparttar 149690 Vatican inrepparttar 149691 month followingrepparttar 149692 death of Pope John Paul II andrepparttar 149693 subsequent election of Pope Benedict XVI.

We’ve also heard that more Americans are traveling to Europe this summer than ever before. Whateverrepparttar 149694 reason, there were

visitors everywhere.

Atrepparttar 149695 end ofrepparttar 149696 trip, we were exhausted but satisfied withrepparttar 149697 20 plus hours of High Definition footage we shot alongrepparttar 149698 Amalfi

Coast and in Rome. There was an unfortunate incident with a French gendarme inrepparttar 149699 Charles deGaulle airport, but that will remain a

story told withinrepparttar 149700 family!

Is a foreign shoot worthrepparttar 149701 time, expense, and aggravation? I’ll give you a resounding yes on that one - but with a caveat: pack an

extra dose of patience and a big heart, and both will be rewarded many times over!

My husband, Wayne, and I own a video production company that focuses on European travel. In addition to our Virtual Walks Series, we also shoot stock footage of Venice, Rome, the Amalfi Coast, London, and English villages. We have sold our footage to numerous television networks and production houses around the world.

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