Travel Your Way To More Traffic

Written by Ken Mowery

Continued from page 1

I decided to see if other scenic hotspots might become "virtual" destinations of choice. I went throughrepparttar same process with photos I had taken at Garden ofrepparttar 128322 Gods State Park in Colorado Springs Colorado as well as a few other Colorado locations. I was pleased that "gardenofthegods" became another key search phrase that brings people to my site.

Inrepparttar 128323 past I used my personal web pages to promote my web design and hosting business. Unfortunately, web design and hosting is not that relevant to my guests who come because of scenic interests. After some measure of trial and error I discovered that "entertainment" products market very well torepparttar 128324 scenic seekers that visit my site.

I began a banner rotation on my photographic pages that link out to various entertainment sites which I affiliate with. So farrepparttar 128325 results have been very encouraging. In a future article I hope to explain what I discovered about keyword searches inrepparttar 128326 entertainment sector.

Let me summarize with these simple instructions. Get those vacation photographs out and upload them to your website. Build a separate page for each exotic location that you have been to. Be sure to enterrepparttar 128327 name ofrepparttar 128328 place in your page title and inrepparttar 128329 keywords and description meta-tags. Set up a relevant banner rotation program and enjoyrepparttar 128330 traffic of virtual travel.

Ken is a pastor, writer, composer,web designer,promoter living in Greeley Colorado with his wife and two children. His articles and poems have been published in various magazines. He writes a monthly column for the Greeley Tribune called "Faith For Dummies" which features spiritual insights gathered through outdoor sports and recreation

Search the Web More Efficiently: Tips, Techniques and Strategies (Part II)

Written by Daniel Bazac

Continued from page 1

* Whenever two or more words can appear in exact order, encloserepparttar words with double quotation marks ("word 1 word 2".) Example: "United States." If you use a longer phrase, you will achieve more precise results. With a very long phrase, however, you may get zero results. Some search engines allow you to selectrepparttar 128321 "phrase" option inrepparttar 128322 pull-down menu on their advanced search page or you can type it in special phrase search box, so you don't have to use quotes. * When possible, use unique, rare or unusual keywords. The more uncommon / obscure or less frequentrepparttar 128323 keywords you use are,repparttar 128324 fewer and more relevant results you will get. * Use nouns and objects as keywords. Do not userepparttar 128325 so-called "stop words" such as "what," "where," "the," "in," "and," etc. Many search tools ignore them. If you need a stop word to appear inrepparttar 128326 results, placerepparttar 128327 implied Boolean operator "+ " in front of that word. The standard Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT (or AND NOT), NEAR, BEFORE, AFTER andrepparttar 128328 Boolean logic "(parenthesis)", are used to construct complicated queries. The implied Boolean operators "+" and "-" can replacerepparttar 128329 AND and NOT respectively. An example of Boolean logic is (tips OR tricks) AND ("search engines" OR "web directories"). It will find tips or tricks for search engines or web directories. Checkrepparttar 128330 search tool's tips to see if they accept Boolean operators. For example Google™ does not support full Boolean logic. * Do not use common terms such as Internet, Web, etc. except for cases that it is necessary. (For example,repparttar 128331 query is "searchingrepparttar 128332 web" with quotes.) * Avoid redundant terms and complicated query structures. * Choosingrepparttar 128333 right words for your query isrepparttar 128334 most important part of web searching. The more specificrepparttar 128335 search term,repparttar 128336 more relevant your results will be andrepparttar 128337 more likely it is that you will find what you seek. Remember, work smarter not harder. * The secret to constructing a professional query is to type words you expect to find inrepparttar 128338 matches. Note: Some search tools, such as Ask Jeeves allow you to use repparttar 128339 so-called "natural language." This means that you can construct a query as a question in plain English, such as "What'srepparttar 128340 weather in LA?" When you have a specific question in mind, these tools can be helpful.

Please see Part III.

Daniel Bazac is the Search Engine Marketer for Web Design in New York [ ], a site design, search engine optimization and promotion company. He also maintains Bazac Weblog [ ] a blog about the search engines and search engine marketing news and articles. He can be reached at .

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