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Total independence, which is both a big plus and big minus. You have freedom to succeed or fail on your own ability. But you have to recognize that there isn't any job security or benefits as with a full time job. You often work more hours than in a normal work week, but you have flexibility to work at your own pace.
** How did you become a writer? ** ------------------------------------
All I ever wanted to be was a reporter. I wrote for my high school paper and wrote some freelance articles at University of Indiana. I was an Army corespondent in Europe. Subsequently, I worked for City News in Chicago and then some other publications. **What would you do differently if starting over as a writer?** -------------------------------------
I would probably be more aggressive in going after top markets without sacrificing smaller markets. Sometimes articles may be more apropos for smaller publications. I'd really set my sights on selling to larger and more difficult to sell markets.
Jack Adler, author of How to get started as a Travel Writer, has over 25 years’ experience writing about travel. Four books he’s written are: Consumer's Guide To Travel, Exploring Historic California, Companion Guide To Southern India, and Travel Safety (co-authored). Numerous of his articles have run in various newspapers and magazines. He has been a columnist, on a freelance but weekly basis, for Los Angeles Times' travel section. His columns have also run in San Francisco Examiner; Westways Magazine, and Cruise Travel Magazine. He also was a columnist/ editorial writer for Better Business Travel, a nationally distributed newsletter; and a columnist for TravelAssist, an electronic magazine. Currently, he's leader/chief content provider for Prodigy's travel bulletin board and a columnist for Travel World International, an electronic magazine. He is a member of Society of American Travel Writers and North American Travel Journalists Association. He has taught a course in Travel Journalism for many years at UCLA Extension, and a course in Feature Writer for Writer's Digest School.
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Jack Adler, the author of How to get started as a Travel Writer, has over 25 years’ experience writing about travel.