Travel Light: The How And Why

Written by Steve Gillman

Continued from page 1

More Ways To Travel Light

Money replaces weight, especially inrepparttar form of a debit or credit card. Why carry two pounds of your favorite shampoo when you can simply buy small bottles as you travel. It really won't cost much more to buy things wherever you go, instead of carrying your bathroom and wardrobe with you. Also, you really don't know exactly what you'll need, particularly on an overseas trip. Buy what you need as you need it, and you won't have a pile of useless things in your luggage. Don't we all regularly unpack things at home that we never once used duringrepparttar 133869 trip?

Take a lesson from long-trail hikers (backpackers who travel a trail for months). They send things, such as new shoes, to a post office on their route, ahead of time, so they'll be waiting for them. They also send home things they no longer need, such as a winter coat. The latter may be a useful practice for other travelers. If you buy bulky gifts for family or friends, why carry them around for weeks? Put them inrepparttar 133870 mail.

A Light Travel Example

What I Took For Six weeks in Ecuador:

* 8 pairs of nylon socks (less than an ounce per pair) * 2 silk shirts for going out (3 ounces each) * 4 poly/cotton blend t-shirts (5-6 ounces each)

* 5 pair of light underwear (2-3 ounces each) * 1 extra pair of lightweight slacks (9 ounces)

* Nylon shorts for hiking or swimming (2 ounces) * Thin gloves (1 ounce)

* Thin hat (1 ounce - honestly)

* Thin wool sweater (11 ounces)

* Waterproof/breathable rainsuit (14 ounces) * Light plastic camera (3 ounces)

* Sunglasses (1 ounce)

* Small chess set (3 ounces)

* Bathroom kit (5 ounces)

* Maps, notebook and various small things (3 or 4 pounds)

My pack weighed ten pounds, and my wife's weighed 8 pounds. We never felt deprived. I'm not suggesting that you start countingrepparttar 133871 ounces (that comes from my backpacking days), or that you buy all new lightweight things. Without spending money or thinking about it too much, you can just start setting aside your lightest shirts, socks, etc., so you can travel light on your next vacation.

Steve Gillman traveled alone across the U.S. and Mexico at 17. Now 40, he travels and backpacks with his wife Ana, whom he met in Ecuador. His stories, tips and information on travel and backpacking, can be found on his websites,, and

The Power Converter - Sometimes it's Just Not Enough! 

Written by Tara Pearce

Continued from page 1

Some things, even with an AC power converter won’t work at all. For example, don’t bother bringing a television with you. Despite being able to overcomerepparttar differences in electricity with an international voltage converter you still will only receive rolling static asrepparttar 133868 broadcast signals in Europe and North America are different. Another thing you need to worry about is old wiring. Bad wiring will defeat a transformer or a converter every time. Many older European hotels have older electric wiring and will not be able to support your 1000 watt travel iron. Luckily most hotels have warning signs; however, ifrepparttar 133869 lights start to flicker unplug your electrical device immediately.

And finally, be very careful withrepparttar 133870 European bathroom electric shaver socket. They are designed for low wattage electrical appliances (shavers and toothbrushes) and are not meant for use with a hairdryer or curling iron.

Tara Pearce is the publisher and webmaster of Visit us for great information on all manner of travel tips and accessories resources.

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