Transform Your Image And Accelerate Your Success

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Continued from page 1

Did she look like a competent and professional person? What first impression would she create?

How aboutrepparttar manager who wears a cardigan, light grey suit and brown shoes. He also has a moustache. Would you feel confident using his services? Does he appear to be 'with it'? Would you think his organisation is up withrepparttar 103711 times?

Andrepparttar 103712 personal assistant withrepparttar 103713 low cut top and tight fitting pants? Is she being perceived as a competent person and someone you'd take seriously? She may suitrepparttar 103714 image of a trendy organisation and yet what opinions would you form if she worked with you?

We've all seen or know of people like this. Perhaps it's you and you don't even know it!

Image inrepparttar 103715 Workplace It's a serious business. Image Coaches are being hired by organisations to teach their people how to present themselves inrepparttar 103716 best possible way. How are you and your people perceived by your clients, prospects and suppliers?

Your personal image can be either positive or negative. It can accelerate your success or hinder it.

How to Transform Your Image If you seriously want to enhancerepparttar 103717 results in your life, consider seeing an image coach. In fact as part ofrepparttar 103718 services we offer, we've included image coaching as it has been so beneficial to many of our clients.

Some ofrepparttar 103719 results achieved have been astounding. An accountant who was considered a 'pushover' by her staff and business partner had a total transformation. Because of her quiet nature she wasn't taken seriously. She also dressed in a way that reinforced her lack of confidence.

Since having coaching around her image… looking how to dress in a more flattering way with credibility and power, she is far more confident and has become very assertive. It's also made her look 10 years younger!

The image coach you'll work with will show you how to present yourself inrepparttar 103720 best possible way. When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good you attract people to you like a magnet!

So if you want to attractrepparttar 103721 right type of people to you in business and in your personal life, then this is definitely one area you should invest in.

If this is of interest to you, email

The Final Word Looking successful is just as important as being successful. Whether we like it or not, people judge us in a number of ways. To be credible we have to look like we know what we're talking about as well as havingrepparttar 103722 skills and abilities to deliver.

Don't forget… You are your most important asset and you are worth investing in.

Lorraine specialises in working with businesspeople showing them how to dramatically boost their productivity, reduce the stress and the mess in their lives and have more time for enjoying their life.

So You Think You're Hopeless With Figures?

Written by Kenneth Williams

Continued from page 1

3 - Take The Easy Route

See if you can spotrepparttar easy way to do everyday math sums.

For example, suppose you need to find: 7 + 8 + 3.

Instead of starting atrepparttar 103710 left and adding as you go, you may notice thatrepparttar 103711 7 and 3 make a nice round 10. Simply tag onrepparttar 103712 8 and you get 18 altogether.

The above technique - called "looking for 10s" - is a useful trick when adding numbers.

Try some for yourself:

a) 8 + 6 + 2 + 6 + 4

b) 9 + 3 + 7 + 5 + 1

c) 13 + 6 + 7 + 14

4 - Notice Patterns

Another thing to practice is seeing patterns in numbers. This makes them easier to remember and to work with.

For example, 23434 contains a simple pattern.

So does 9639.

And 51015 is a 'palindrome" - it'srepparttar 103713 same backwards.

5 - Make Them 'Real'

Numbers may contain memorable digits like dates.

For example, 217761.

If you look carefully, you'll notice it containsrepparttar 103714 year ofrepparttar 103715 signing ofrepparttar 103716 American Declaration of Independence.

A number could contain:

- birthday numbers of yourself, family, or friends

- figures from a telephone number or dial code

- numbers of a house you have lived in

Or some other kind of digit combination that you can relate to.

Once you can relate numbers torepparttar 103717 'real world', you're fast onrepparttar 103718 way to becoming familiar with them.

And when you get to know them, you and numbers can becomerepparttar 103719 best of friends for life!

'Fun With Figures' shows you the easy way to do numbers in your head! It's perfect for math phobics aged 8 to 80. Check it out here:

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