Transferring Domains

Written by Richard Lowe

Continued from page 1

What arerepparttar disadvantages?

Transferring a domain can be confusing. Also, there is no guarantee thatrepparttar 108312 new registrar will be any better thanrepparttar 108313 old one. Again, remember that domain registration is not something that you should need to deal with very often (if you are like most people) so it may not be worthrepparttar 108314 effort to change.

Can any domain be transferred?

Yes, any domain registered with any registrar may be transferred to any other registrar.

What does a registrar do?

The registrar manages your domain name. They maintain security andrepparttar 108315 structures that makerepparttar 108316 domain work.

Does changing registrars have any effect on ownership?

No. When you change registrars you are only changing managers. You still retain ownership.

Are there reasons why a domain may not be transferred?

Yes. Some of these are listed below.

- The domain name is in a legal dispute of some kind. - The identity ofrepparttar 108317 domain name holder is in dispute or unknown. - The domain name holder is in bankruptcy. - The domain has only been withrepparttar 108318 registrar for 60 days. - The registrar refuses to transfer for other reasons.

How is a domain transferred?

This varies from registrar to registrar. Some require a notarized form to be delivered to them, others can do it using a web site form. How long doesrepparttar 108319 process take?

The registrar will usually take five to ten days to review and validaterepparttar 108320 request. Once it has been validated and put into action, it will take a couple of days forrepparttar 108321 change to filter throughrepparttar 108322 internet.

Willrepparttar 108323 web site associated withrepparttar 108324 domain be accessible duringrepparttar 108325 change?

Yes. This normally does not effect access to your web site. The registrar is changed, notrepparttar 108326 web site address and other information.

Richard Lowe Jr. is the webmaster of Internet Tips And Secrets at - Visit our website any time to read over 1,000 complete FREE articles about how to improve your internet profits, enjoyment and knowledge.

Domain Name Slamming

Written by Richard Lowe

Continued from page 1

In some instances worse things happen. You could receive an email in your inbox, for example, makingrepparttar same claim: your domain is about to expire. Click on a link and you've given (unknowingly) permission for your domain to be transferred. A few days later you might discover your web site not working, your email turned off and your domain information completely unavailable.

This is called "domain name slamming", and it is named afterrepparttar 108311 practice that some highly unethical long distance phone companies employ. These companies will, atrepparttar 108312 least provocation, change your phone company to themselves. You could cash a check, return a post card or use any number of other means to "give permission" to change. Some ofrepparttar 108313 most unethical companies have been known to just change your service without even asking.

The moral ofrepparttar 108314 story? Keep good records of where your domain names are registered. If you do get an email or a letter, go directly to your domain registrar's web site and renewrepparttar 108315 domain yourself. Don't click anything inrepparttar 108316 email, respond or send back a letter. Just go torepparttar 108317 web site and renew. This way you can be sure you understand exactly what is happening, and this way you can be positive that nothing else is occurring.

And oh yes, stay away from those registrars who engage in this practice. At least, that's my humble advice. I findrepparttar 108318 whole tactic unethical inrepparttar 108319 extreme, and personally, I will go to extremes to not do business with any registrar who slams.

Richard Lowe Jr. is the webmaster of Internet Tips And Secrets at - Visit our website any time to read over 1,000 complete FREE articles about how to improve your internet profits, enjoyment and knowledge.

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