Train Your Man

Written by David Wood

Continued from page 1
Forrepparttar guys: (Note: I won’t normally write directly forrepparttar 128759 guys, but in case your wondering about my philosophy here…..) I work onrepparttar 128760 premise that if you are not happy in your relationship, it is because your girlfriend or wife is not happy, and therefore does not want you to be happy. You know how when she's lit up you have a great day, but when she's not you pay? Sadly,repparttar 128761 impact of her mood on your life is widely underestimated. I don't work with men on how to get their partner to alter her behaviour or giverepparttar 128762 guy more of what he wants. I work with men on how to pay attention, so they can give their women what she wants even before she asks for it. “Make her happy, and your life will flow.” Most women give out of obligation and conditioning. What would it be like to have her so happy, she's giving out of surplus? Further, because women highly value attention and consideration, and men tend to highly value producing or achieving, a great win-win game is produced ifrepparttar 128763 man pays attention to what his partner wants, and provides it! One could even go so far as to say that given what women go through on this planet compared torepparttar 128764 life ofrepparttar 128765 average man, that it's only fair! But fair is not relevant; suffice it to say this model works – wonderfully. Enjoy, David Wood

David Wood is a Certified Life Coach. He helps coaches, consultants, speakers and trainers to build their businesses via his popular ebook at and his audio ebook at Get his new Free Download “50 Power Questions” and popular monthly ezine for clients and coaches (now over 15,000 subscribers) at:

Power of Vision

Written by David Wood

Continued from page 1
This is your time to create a vision in your life. Think of what is important to you and what you want to see come into your life and then dorepparttar following exercises. Exercise One: Dedicate one hour to yourself. Find a quiet place preferably near nature, a park,repparttar 128756 beach or under a big tree. With a piece of paper write down what you want in your life. If you have troubles thinking of what you want then splitrepparttar 128757 paper in half with a line downrepparttar 128758 middle, on one side list what you don't want. From there you can putrepparttar 128759 opposite onrepparttar 128760 other side ofrepparttar 128761 line. Once you determine what you want then listrepparttar 128762 feelings you associate with accepting those wants into your life. How will you feel when these things come into your life? This is key because it isrepparttar 128763 feelings that will bring greatness to your life. From here take a few moments to close your eyes and picture those feelings and how they run through your body. Feelrepparttar 128764 happiness within yourself, feelrepparttar 128765 passion of your desires. Exercise Two: Make a mental note of those pictures andrepparttar 128766 feelings associated with them. Commit to going back to that place at least once a day. Commit to a certain time either inrepparttar 128767 morning, at lunchtime or inrepparttar 128768 evening to dedicate 15 minutes to going back to that place of feeling in your body. By doing so you will be dreaming a little dream each and every day and eventually that dream will be in your life. Regards, Richard Colby McFadden ' (Thanks Colby!) Enjoy, David Wood

David Wood is a Certified Life Coach. He helps coaches, consultants, speakers and trainers to build their businesses via his popular ebook at and his audio ebook at Get his new Free Download “50 Power Questions” and popular monthly ezine for clients and coaches (now over 15,000 subscribers) at:

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